City Council Meeting Minutes October 24, 2017
Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Tuesday, October 24, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah.
Mayor Jeff Cox called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council Members present were Bawb Nielsen, Bob St. Jacques, Cliff Wheeler, KaeLyn Sorensen, and Casey Anderson. City Employees present were Dave Taylor, Greg Sorensen, Jan Anderson, and Justin Jackson. Citizens present were Jon Haderlie from Larson and Company (Auditor), Erma Lee and Roman Aaron, Trey Robinson, Jessica Claire, Treavor Ence, Casey’s daughter, Shauna Rawlinson, and Paul Kendall.
Councilwoman KaeLyn Sorensen offered the invocation and led the pledge of Allegiance.
Councilman Cliff Wheeler moved to approve the minutes from September 26, 2017. Councilwoman Kaelyn Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Treavor Ence, Youth City Council Discussion. Treavor came to ask if the City Council would consider having a youth city council. It is a good way to involve the community. They can help with service. He has talked to five or six youth that would be interested in serving. An advisor is needed. Mayor Cox asked the Council to come next month with a name for an advisor. Will get back with Treavor.
Trey Robison – Follow-Up on Eagle Project. Trey came and expressed his thanks to all who helped with his eagle project. A video was put together for all to view.
The final cost of the Veteran flag display was $1,668.
Larson & Company, PC – Annual Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2017. Jon Haderlie reported on the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, audit. He went over the management letter, bond compliance, and financial report along with the findings. The City was found to be in good standings. The results from the Auditor’s test disclosed no instance of noncompliance that is required to be reported under government auditing standards. The general purposed financial statements are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepting in the United States. Note: Audit reports are available at the office for review
Fairview City Advertising Budget Expenses. Councilman Casey Anderson had a concern with how, when, and where the City will give money. Need to get a list of ideas of where the City wants to spend money and what has worked in the past. This would help the girls in the office. Mayor Cox would like to advertise for charitable things. It seems that things are getting slipped through on the vouchers that may need to be approved before hand. Is $500 to $1,000 the best way to advertise. Would it not be more beneficial to use social media? Consider adding another line in the budget for such expenditures, it would make things easier to track.
Motion Needed for Collector Streets. Dave Taylor showed the proposed stop sign map. The map presented to the Council was hard for them to read. Dave will bring better map next month that will show the exact placement of the signs. Tonight, just need to approve the collector streets. They are 300 South, 100 South, 100 North and 400 East, 200 East, and 200 West. Councilman Bawb Nielsen moved to approve the collector streets. Councilman Bob St. Jacques seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Dedication of New Veteran Display at Cemetery. Councilman Cliff Wheeler stated that a Veteran’s Memorial Ceremony is being planned for November 11th at
10 a.m. just before the flag raising ceremony for the new Veteran’s display at the cemetery. Everyone is invited to attend.
Discussion on Removal of Trees at Cemetery. Yvonne Cox had approached the City regarding a tree next to the graves of her parent’s graves. The roots are expanding and causing some concern along with the wind blowing over the tree and causing damage to the headstones. Asking the Council how they would like to approach this issue. Leon Sidwell would also like to have a tree removed. Trees are nice, but they do make it hard to dig graves. The ordinance does not allow individual(s) to plant trees, bushes, etc. for the very reason of causing damage to headstones and blocking the area around the tree from getting water. It was recommended to get with the City workers and look over the cemetery and come up with a plan of which trees need to be removed. Councilman Bob St. Jacques moved to remove those trees in the cemetery that are causing issue with headstones and the sprinklers. Councilman Cliff Wheeler seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor. Cliff will get with the City workers and come up with a plan. It was mentioned that the City received a grant for trees. At some time, the Council may want to consider placing trees along the parameters of the cemetery boundaries. Note: Need to be sensitive to the families’ desires.
Discussion of Allowing New Homes to be Built in the Commercial Business Zone. In the zoning ordinance, Hwy 89 and Hwy 31 is zoned commercial. This is where businesses will be located and where the tax base will be. The City is not telling people to tear home downs. The zoning book states that it is primarily for business. Is the Council willing to support the decision not to allow homes to be built in this zone? The Council recommends leaving the zoning ordinance the way it is. The map needs to be readjusted.
Set Date for Election Canvass. The date for canvassing the election will be Thursday, November 16, 2017, at 7 p.m.
Set Date for Employee Christmas Party. Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. Council meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. in the council room.
Ordinance No. 2017-03R; An Amendment to the Fairview City Zoning Ordinances, “A Land Use Ordinance of Fairview City”, Ordinance No. 2008-01, Amending Part B., Chapter 11, General Property Development Standards. The Planning Commission reviewed and forwarded on to the City Council for their approval.
Discussion ensued regarding item four– the use of recreation vehicles. The Council would like to have a set time added for when using a recreation vehicle to live in while building a home. Note: The City Council had not received the corrected wording on number four from the Planning Commission. They had discussed this very issue and came up with what they believed was an appropriated time for someone(s) to live in a recreational vehicle while building a home. It should have read—“…a recreation vehicle can be used to live in on the property for a period of up to 12-months and, if an extended amount of time is required to finish the home, an extension will need to be granted by Fairview City.”. Councilman Bob St Jacques moved to approve the Ordinance
No. 2017-03R; as amended. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Mayor Jeff Cox – General City Business Update. Fairview City has the opportunity to apply for CDBG grant money to help fix water lines to houses. There are a lot pipes that are galvanized. They need to be fixed. They do not have a backflow preventer on them. If the City were to install backflow preventers, exposure to the air means these pipes will corrode and eventually have a leak. This grant money would be able to help with replacement of some of these throughout the system. Would not be able to fix all but those who are low income. Could receive $30,000 up to $150,000. The target is to help 50 lower-income residents from house to mainline and replace meter adding new poly pipe all the way to the house. The homeowner would also have to agree to it. This is just information now, but by next meeting more information should be available.
Chief Bob Bingham is retiring the end of December. An advertisement has been placed, and it will close November 9th. Mayor expressed his gratitude for his service.
Councilman Cliff Wheeler expressed his appreciate to the fire department for all they do especially with the trailer park fire.
Councilman Casey Anderson stated that he had discussed with some of the city employees the use of using city equipment. He thought this had been discussed in staff meeting. Need to get this worked out. If we pass this ordinance, it would have to be approved by the Mayor. It will need to have to stipulations, will bring something to Council in the next couple of meetings.
Anixer came and took parts back. Thinking the middle of November to test.
Sports and Rec Department, need to get soccer nets picked up and get parks closed.
Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the vouchers from September 25, 2017, to October 20, 2017. Councilwoman KaeLyn Sorensen seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous in favor of.
Councilman Bob St. Jacques moved to adjourn at 9:07 p.m. Councilman Cliff Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion carried in favor.