City Council Minutes June 20, 2019
Minutes of City Council Meeting and Public Hearing held on Thursday, June 20, 2019, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah.
Mayor David Taylor Called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. Councilmembers present were Cliff Wheeler, Casey Anderson, KaeLyn Sorensen, and Bob St. Jacques, Sean Rawlinson was not present. City Employees present were Jan Anderson, Jeremy Wright and Greg Sorensen along with citizens Erma Lee and Ramon Aaron and Angela Thompson.
Councilman Bob St. Jacques offered the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the minutes from May 16, 2019, work meeting. Councilman Cliff Wheeler seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of. Councilman Cliff Wheeler moved to approve the minutes from May 16, 2019, with the second by Councilwoman KaeLyn Sorensen. The voting was unanimous in favor of. Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the minutes from the special meeting held May 31, 2019. Councilman Bob St. Jacques seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Open Meeting for Public Comments on – Mayor Davie Taylor opened the hearing at 7:36 p.m.
Proposed Transfer of $41,218 from Electrical, Water, Sewer Enterprise Funds to Help with the Administrative Costs in the General Fund. There was no public comment received.
Adopt Final General Operations Tax Rate of 0.001172, Certified Revenue of $72,944.
There was no public comment made. The tax rate did not change per City, the new evaluation of homes is calculated into this rate.
Proposed Fairview City Operating and Capital Budgets for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020. The City Council met in a couple of work meeting to work on the budget. The general fund budget is $841,437. There was no public comment received.
Amending Fairview City Operating and Capital Budgets for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2019.
There was no public comment received.
Replace Outdated Animal Ordinance, Chapter 13 with Updated Material. The new ordinance gives the police department the availablity to enforce animal issues.
Close Public Hearing and Reconvene Back into City Council Meeting. Reconvened into regular meeting at 7:43 p.m.
Planning Commission
Home Occupation Permit Approval – Todd Cheney, TAK, 84 South 200 West. Todd met with the Planning Commission; he hauls small loads; he hauls vehicles to dealerships. There will be no signage, no customers, he has property alongside his house if he needs to store his load for overnight. The Planning Commission recommended approve. Councilman Bob St. Jacques moved to approve the Home Occupation Permit. Councilman Cliff Wheeler seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Approval to Fill Vacancy in the Planning Commission. — Councilman Bob St. Jacques would like to hold off for a month to present a couple of names to fill the vacancies within the Commission.
Water Rate Increase Discussion. Mayor Dave Taylor handed out a spreadsheet to the Council which showed the amount of water consumed each month. If anyone wants water, they are entitled to all the water they want because the City does not have in place anything that tells them to stop. Mayor Taylor is considering dropping the base amount from 8,000 gallons per month to 5,000 gallons per month. A lot of the citizens are using under 5,000. Citizens who use more than 8,000 are putting a burden on the citizens in the community because they pay the same amount for the operation and maintenance cost to produce water. Mayor Taylor would like to have a public hearing in July to receive citizen input and present this information to the public. It was asked how much water does the City produce? In the winter months 6,000,000 and in the summer it may double. There are approximately 644 customers. For Fairview City to qualify for grant money for water projects, the City should be charging a monthly charge around $60. To meet the State average, the City would charge around $47.50. The City charges $28.50 for City residents and $38 for residents outside the city limits. It was asked how many water meters are still needing to be installed? An estimate of 150 meters. All residents will be treated the same whether they have the new meter or not.
The grant application for the water master plan has been sent into Division of Drinking Water for consideration. Horrocks came up with a low-cost band aid to get the spring line up and going. Highway 31 is impacting the progress of getting into the spring line to make the repair. This repair should last five years and, hopefully, the proposed spring line water project will be underway.
Slight update on sewer reuse project. The cover area will more than likely be changed. The filter will then need to be moved. More information will be presented in July meeting.
24thof July Update. Painting is progressing on the arena, working on upgrading the handicap seating. The Council agreed on a couple of names for grand marshals—horse parade, Mitch Jackson, and Kenna Sidwell for the regular parade.
Declaration of Candidacy Update. The following are candidates who filed to run for city council: Matthew Sorensen, Robert St. Jacques, Brad Welch, and Cliff Wheeler. One filed for the two-year position and that was Michael MacKay.
Resolution No. 2019-04; A Resolution Setting the Real and Personal Property Tax.
The proposed tax rate is 0.001172, the proposed certified revenue is $72,944. Councilman Cliff Wheeler moved to approve Resolution No. 2019-04. Councilman Bob St. Jacques seconded the motion; the voting was unanimous in favor of.
Resolution No. 2019-05R; A Resolution Approving and Adopting a Budget for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 and Amending the Fiscal Year 2018/2019. The proposed general fund budget is $843,437 (See attached). Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve Resolution No. 2019-05R. Councilman Bob St. Jacques seconded the motion; voting for- Cliff Wheeler, Casey Anderson, KaeLyn Sorensen, and Councilman Bob St. Jacques. Councilman Sean Rawlinson was absent.
Resolution No. 2019-06R; Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Intern Loan from the Electrical Fund the Sewer Fund to Proceed with the Engineering Study on the Sewer Reuse Project. Councilwoman KaeLyn Sorensen moved to approve Resolution No. 2019-06R. Councilman Cliff Wheeler seconded the motion; the voting was unanimous in favor of.
Resolution No. 2019-07R; Municipal Wastewater Planning Program Resolution. Councilman Cliff Wheeler moved to approve Resolution No. 2019-08R. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion; the voting was unanimous in favor of.
Resolution No. 2019-08R; A Resolution Amending Code of Revised Ordinances of Fairview City Title 13-000 Police and Public Offenses, Chapter 13-200, Animal Control. Discussion ensued on concerns with the proposed ordinance. A few items they would like addressed were dead animals, number of pets, there is no clarification on what other means, need to add large, etc. The Council would like to table this until next meeting.
Resolution No. 2019-09R; Fire Protection Agreement with Sanpete Country Fire District. Councilman Bob St. Jacques moved to approve Resolution No. 2019-09R. Councilwoman KaeLyn Sorensen seconded the motion; voting was unanimous in favor of.
Mayor David Taylor, General City Business. The landfill is now required to put a cap or dirt over the disposed debris at the end of every day so they will be closing a half-hour earlier, therefore, garbage pickup each week will begin a half-hour earlier. The County is working with the State to take care of old tires in the County. Tires will be ground up and added to fuel to help make energy. The County is hoping to have out to bid within the next month. Can not put tires in garbage can. Do not send batteries to the dump they start fires, trying to find some place to take batteries. Hope to have information to put out for citizens.
Councilman Cliff Wheelerasked how hydroseeding works. Is it working, there are several headstones that were covered with the solution? Because of the weather this year, it will more than likely need to be reapplied. The solution should not hurt the headstones.
Councilman Casey Andersoninvited the Mayor and Council to the annual membership conference, registration is online.
Councilwoman KaeLyn Sorensenmention that there are eight kids that are interested in participating on the youth city council. A few live in the heights and a few are outside the City limit. Would like to have $500 added to the budget for them. Need to get application put in place.
Councilman Bob St. Jacquesmention that farmers market is under way. The hours are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It is being held in CentraCom’s parking lot.
Councilman Bob St. Jacques moved to approve the vouchers from May 14, 2019, to June 18, 2019. Councilman Cliff Wheeler seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Councilman Bob St. Jacques moved to adjourn meeting at 9:07 p.m. Councilwoman KaeLyn Sorensen seconded the motion. Motion carried.