City Council Minutes January 16, 2020

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2020, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah

Mayor David Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:33p.m. City Council Members present were Cliff Wheeler, Casey Anderson, Brad Welch, Matt Sorensen, and Mike MacKay. City Employees present were Justin Jackson, Greg Sorensen, Logan Ludvigson, Jeremy Wright, and Jan Anderson. Citizens present were Erma Lee Hansen, Rusty Robinson and Wesley Alexander from Division of Wildlife Resources, and Doug Lowe from the Messenger.


Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the minutes from November 19, 2020. Councilman Cliff Wheeler seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Division of Natural Resources (DNR) Representative – Discussion on Urban Deer. DNR Representative Wes Alexander from the Springville office came to discuss the procedure to implement a deer control plan. The City can design and administer a control plan for the lethal or non-lethal removal of resident deer damaging private property or threatening public safety within the City.  The first step is request DWR for a certificate of registration (COR) to design, create, and administer an urban deer control plan. Second, resident deer are collectively causing significant damage to private property or threatening public safety. Third, enact an ordinance prohibiting the feeding of deer, elk, and moose. Forth, general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000. Fifth, it agrees to hold harmless and indemnify DWR against any claims or damages arising from its deer removal activities, and sixth, have an estimated population of resident deer in the City and the final target population number the City seeks to remove. The deer are euthanized, and the meat must be donated. During the months of August to December are off limits to this program because of the migration of the deer. Trapping of deer is a way of collecting the deer. It was asked if this was a one-time deal. It is a three-year program but set on a yearly basis. Councilman Mike MacKay moved to have a no feed deer ordinance adopted and then go from there. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.



Sewer Reuse Update. Mayor Taylor briefed the new Council members on what has been transpiring with this project. Working with Horrocks, should have drawings done this year and then proceed with funding. The project should be done two years from now. Hoping to redo financing so that the City can make ends meet. Councilman Cliff Wheeler asked what happens to the water during the winter months. The water will go down the Sanpitch. The State allows so much phosphorus and that amount can be spread through out the year. This system is not bound by irrigation requirements.

Sewer Permit Approval Discussion. The sewer reuse permit was sent in. It will be due again January 1, 2023.

Council Assignments. The following assignments were given to the City Council: Mike MacKay – Spring cleanup; Casey Anderson – Power; Cliff Wheeler – Mayor Pro-tempore and cemetery; Brad Welch – Pioneer Day celebration; and Matt Sorensen – public safety. Other assignments may come later in the year (water and sewer).

24th of July Update Discussion. July 18th – Rodeo and horse parade; July 19th – DUP (this could change); Icebreaker July 21st; Kid’s rodeo July 22nd; ATV rodeo July 23rd; and Derby, parade, etc. Mayor Dave Taylor asked each council member to oversee one event–  Matt Sorensen ATV rodeo; Cliff Wheeler rodeo; Mike MacKay kid’s rodeo; and Casey Anderson derby.

General Discussion on Council Responsibilities and Goal for the Year. Councilman Mike MacKay asked what the Council foresaw as their goal regarding the community. Not much has changed within the City for many years. General discussion ensued.

Municipal Code Update – Rural Community Consultants, Mike Hansen. Mike reached out to the City per a request to the League of Cities and Towns from City Recorder Jan Anderson. They offer services to rural communities with their ordinances/codes, development, environment, land-use, and other services. Mike would like to come and discuss the status of Fairview’s plans and ordinances. The Council would like to have him come to next month’s council meeting.


Resolution No. 2020-01R. A Resolution of the Fairview City Council Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Municipal Lease for Two Utility Vehicles with Horsepower Fleet Leasing, LLC. The trucks arrived in December but will not be invoiced until July. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve Resolution No. 2020-01R. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


The City is facing an issue with the snowplows. The international has had all new hydraulic hoses replaced. The Volvo’s rear axle was broke. The sander is on its last leg. Would like to get the council’s approval to get a new sander for the Volvo. It is stainless steel. City Council acknowledged their support on the new sander. Can budget the cost into next year’s budget.


Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the vouchers from November 15, 2019 to

January 10, 2020. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m. by Councilman Mike MacKay with the second by Councilman Matt Sorensen. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Fairview City