City Council Meeting Minutes April 15, 2021

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Thursday, April 15, 2021, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Cliff Wheeler called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Councilmembers present were Matt Sorensen, Brad Welch, Shirlene Rasmussen, Mike MacKay, Cliff wheeler, and Casey Anderson. City Employees present were Justin Jackson, Steve Gray, Jan Anderson, and Greg Sorensen. Citizens present were Nathan Miner, Rhett Wilkinson (Messenger), Jeff and Sherrie Jarman, Brian and Miko Howarth, Erma Lee Hansen, Carri Oldroyd, and Sheri Butler

The invocation and pledge of allegiance was offered by Councilmember Brad Welch.


Councilmember Brad Welch moved to approved minutes from Minutes from March 18, 2021. Councilmember Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Brian Howarth – Concerns with Removal of Stop Signs on 300 South. Several citizens attended meeting with concerns of the removal of the stop signs. The decision of removing the signs has been a discussion with the City Council for the past three years. There was traffic study done and Council moved on the recommendation from the study. After discussing other options such as speed bumps, speed dips, and other options, Mayor Wheeler asked the citizens to give the City a month to investigate other options. Councilman Brad Welch will work with Brian to look into speed humps and other options. 

Gilbert Dewolf – Frontage Variance Request on Property Located Approximately 60 North 200 West. Mr. Dewolf purchased this property from Cody Church. Cody came before the Council asking for the lot split and consideration of a variance. The City Council granted the request February 20, 2020. The split was never recorded. The frontage is short 1.68 feet. The Planning Commission reviewed the request. They recommended approval. Councilman Mike MacKay moved to approve the variance and lot split. Councilmember Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. Voting for–   Mike MacKay, Matt Sorensen, Shirlene Rasmussen, and Brad Welch. Councilmember Casey Anderson abstained was present during discussion. 


Police Department

Quarterly Update. Chief Steve Gray went over the numbers for the last quarter regarding police activity.   

Prosecuting Attorney Discussion. Chad Woolley’s law firm was at one time representing most all the towns in the County. Now they just represent Ephraim and Fairview. The other towns have switched over to Wes Mangum who is Deputy Sanpete County Attorney and works on the side with Styler Daniels, P.C. He is willing to take Fairview City on as their prosecuting attorney. The reason for the request of change was the lack of communication of representation and law enforcement between Chad Wooley’s firm and the City. Wes was present at the meeting and introduced himself. He is willing to continue with the same billing agreement the City had with Woolley’s firm, that being $450 a month. If his service is needed on any civil matter, etc. the hourly rate will be $200 per hour. Not asking for anything civil currently. It was asked if the Council was in agreement of this. The Council approved working with Wes Mangum.

Sewer Department

CIB Update. The City qualified for a 64% grant 36% loan with CIB for the sewer reuse project. This is better terms than expected. The loan is for 30 years at .5 percent, $1,550.000 and $1,834,500 grant.

Annual Sewer MWPP. The City Council received a copy of the annual Municipal Wastewater Planning Program. The Council needs to be able to say that they have seen this report. The DEQ audit was held, do not have the results. It went very well. No non-conformances. There was one minor find, calibration detail. This will become a budgetary item. Will keep watching this.

Power Department

Discussion on Material for New Power Hook(s) for New Homes. Material is months and months out. The City has enough for new construction with those that are a “normal” hookup. Those with primary line extensions may be six months out. May have to tell people that they are months out. This is the reality of what is going on with Covid, etc. Discussed the float storage. Storing the float in the shop is a conflict with keeping the power equipment trucks out in the weather. Spending a lot of money on the trucks just to have them stored out in the weather. Discussion on the float ensued. The float is approximately 30-feet long. Discussed ordering an awning and putting it in a storage shed. Need to look at inventory and figure things out.

Sports Park Discussion – ATV’s, Entrance Area, Signage, Cameras, Court Surface Maintenance, Damaged Fencing. Councilman Casey Anderson stated a few years ago the City discussed posting no ATV’s. The courts down at the sports park have been roughed up. They need to have epoxy put on them. Need to get plan on when they can be done. The pickleball cannot be finished until the fence is placed. Councilmember Rasmussen is working with Keith Williams to finish the restrooms and with Clayton construction to finish the pickle ball court. She is working on getting signs made.

Discussion/Approval on Lawn Care Bid(s). Two bids came in. The Council looked at both. One from Justin Morley Lawn Care ($1,766 per mowing) and one from Parish Construction & Property Management, LLC. ($7,250 includes lawncare, spray/fertilize and gopher abatement). Lawn care will fall under two budget years. It was suggested to give it a chance. Councilmember Matt Sorensen moved to go forward with Morley landscaping to tend to the City lawn maintenance on city properties. Councilmember Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of. This does not include the museum. It was mentioned that the employees will take care of hydroseeding or sod whichever is decided. The issue with both hydroseeding and sod is the lack of water. Taking a truck up to water the sod is a fulltime job. Hydroseed is best in the fall. Working on getting seed. Discussion ensued on dumping yard waste by the cemetery. The fence by the shed tipped over this past winter. It was suggested to fence this area. Will need to give landowners a key to access their property. The cemetery committee would like to get a new sign made and put up. Councilman Anderson will call on the sign and report back to the Mayor.

24th of July Update. Going well. One major issue—concessions. There is a committee meeting on Monday. Has idea on concession that may work. The DUP program still does not have date scheduled. Sally Dalton is waiting for keynote speaker. Church has been reserved.


Resolution No. 2021-05R; A Resolution Adopting an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement by and Between Sanpete County, Ephraim City, Fairview City, Ftn. Green City, Gunnison Valley, Mt. Pleasant City, Moroni City, Snow College, and Spring City for Joint and Cooperative Action in Operating the Sanpete Major Crimes Task Force. Fairview City does not have the resources to carry this program by themselves. Prior this program was under Juab and Sanpete counties. The reason for separation is due to funding and grants. Councilmember Brad Welch moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-05. Councilmember Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Mayor Cliff Wheeler – General City Business Update. The Mayor from Spring City has a concern with the local sports’ program. Mayor Wheeler contacted sports director Shandi Sorensen. She stated that because Fairview doesn’t have fields to play ball on, the way the program is ran has not hurt Fairview. There were some concerns with a couple members of the Council. One concern was Mt. Pleasant is taking charge too much. It has taken community pride out of it. Mayor Wheeler asked for a recommendation. Each city should have a say and run the money through their city. A community meeting with the sports directors, etc. may not be a bad idea.


Councilmember Matt Sorensen moved to approve the vouchers from March 17, 2021 to April 13, 2021. Councilmember Mike MacKay seconded the motion. The motion carried in favor of.


Meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. per motion by Councilmember Shirlene Rasmussen. Councilmember Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. Motion carried in favor of.

Fairview City