City Council Meeting Minutes and Public Hearing, June 17, 2021
Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah.
Mayor Cliff Wheeler called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. City Council members present were Brad Welch, Shirlene Rasmussen, Mike Mackay, Casey Anderson, and Matt Sorensen. City Employees present were Steve Gray, Kacey Anderson, Justin Jackson, and Greg Sorensen. Citizens present were Paul Kendall, Chet Anderson, Erma Lee Hansen, Nathan Miner, Jane Marlo, Roger Roper, Jason Mardell, Aaron Watts, and Kirk Watts.
The invocation and pledge of Allegiance was offered by Mayor Cliff Wheeler.
No minutes to approve.
Open Meeting for Public Comments at 7:35 p.m.
Adopt Final General Operations Tax Rate of 0.001054%, Certified Revenue of $76,320. Councilman Brad Welch briefed the citizens.
Proposed Fairview City Operating and Capital Budgets for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022. No comments made.
Amending Fairview City Operating and Capital Budgets for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2121. No comments made.
Close Public Hearing and Reconvene Back into City Council Meeting. Reconvene back into regular session at 7:35 p.m.
Gloria Van Gend – Request to Dispose of Garbage in City Dumpster. Not present
Jane Marlo Fajardo & Roger Roper – Utah Main Street Program Introduction. Roger Roper is the State Historic preservation officer. Mr. Roper lives in Mt. Pleasant. The program is preservation-based in helping communities revitalize their downtown areas and neighborhood businesses, leveraging local assets from historic, cultural, and architectural resources. Those who benefit from this program are property owners, business owns, residents, local government, state government, federal government, social service agencies, civic groups, arts organizations, financial institutions, police, and schools. The City was invited to participate in the program. Mr. Roper left his contact information.
Ms. Fajardo just purchased the “old drug store” across the street (50 South State), she was looking into programs to help with preserving the building, her goal is making it a beautiful building. She also offered her service if the City was interested in implementing the program.
Christy Johnson – Neighborhood Concern Regarding Insect Problem. Not present.
Fire Department Update. Chief Nathan Miner briefed the Council on fire activity within the area in the in the last few months. He also went over the fire restrictions. He has mirrored what the State has put out, i.e., no open burning must be in a fire pit with access to water, no cutting, grinding, or welding in dry vegetation. Also, the only fireworks allowed will be on July 4th and July 24th in designated area which is the east side of the rodeo arena. Personnel is the main issue facing the fire department. The City is at risk of losing their ISO rating if personnel is not found sooner than later.
Power Department.
Mapping Discussion. City Employee Greg Sorensen stated that he had a couple of estimates for engineering service for mapping the power system. One is from Sunrise, $27,000, one from ICP Engineering Firm for mapping and fuse coordination, $34,140. He is wanting to get one more estimate. This is for Council information.
Easement Discussion. The second feeder coming back into town is in the process. An easement was sent out to Farms for 5 LLC. They came back asking for a conversation on compensation. Would the City be willing to allow them to have one impact fee? With this extension, there is the benefit of the upgrade of a new line. Offer them the impact fee and then if there is more conversation needed contact Councilman Casey Anderson
Update. Mt. Pleasant returned the transformer. Fifteen homes have been built this year, there are six temporary services out right now, and two primary line extensions. Took down the old 46-line, cut down poles to normal height.
The City float is 12’ x 40’ still wondering about a place to store it. There are a lot of call on trees in the line. Need to come up with a policy on cutting trees, it needs to be at their expense. It was asked if there was a utility easement agreement. Need to check on that.
Water Department – Water Conservation Plan Update. This plan follows the Division of Drinking water rules. It is updated every so many years. There are very few changes made.
Down to 40 water meters that need to be replaced. These are the ones that need to be dug up. The water system(s) are stable. With the repair from last year, the springs are doing good. The wells have slowed down which is not expected. Encouraged to watch the gauge on the website. It is updated
Councilman Brad Welch – Pioneer Day Celebration Update. Derby tickets are on sale. Entire north end section of the arena. General admission tickets are available in the office. The committee meeting went well.
Councilman Mike MacKay – ATV Discussion. Did some research with the City ordinance regarding the City, does not have anything in place if we need to follow the state code. They need to be license, machine licensed and street legal. Helmets under the age of 18. Very limited by the law. Keep and go by state code.
Councilman Matt Sorensen – Annexation Discussion. Councilman Sorensen stated he talked to a few people regarding annexing– it needs to be brought back up again sooner than later. Those he talked to like the idea of being brought into the city. Would like to have this item on the August agenda for discussion.
City Manager Discussion. It was decided to go ahead and advertise for city manager. Get job description from Manti City or Gunnison City for wording. Close job notices on the 23rd of July.
Resolution No. 2021-07R; A Resolution Approving and Adopting a Budget for Fiscal Year 2021/2022 and Amending Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Budget. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve
Resolution No. 2021-07R. Councilman Mike Mackay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Resolution No. 2021-08R; A Resolution Setting the Real and Personal Property Tax. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-08R; adopting the general fund tax rate at 0.001054%. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Ordinance No. 2021-02; An Ordinance Amending Provision of the Fairview City Municipal Code Pertaining to the Adoption of a Water Conservation Plan. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-02; Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Mayor Cliff Wheeler – General City Business Update. The C.A.R.E. Coalition – empowering youth by preventing risk. It is a program that partners with the foodbank. One of their main objectives is to help youth find alternatives to suicide. They meet once a month. Mayor Wheeler is considering assigning one of the Council to represent Fairview City.
Mayor Wheeler also attended a UDOT meeting regarding the highway 89 corridor. They are looking to improve the highway and corridor. There are two more meetings and are wanting the input of our City. How do we see this corridor in the future and how we take care of it.
Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the vouchers from May 14, 2021, to June 15, 2021. Councilman Mike Mackay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. by Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen. The second by was Matt Sorensen. Motion carried in favor of.