City Council Meeting Minutes, August 19, 2021

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting, August 19, 2021

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Thursday, August 19, 2021, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Cliff Wheeler called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Councilmembers present were Casey Anderson, Matt Sorensen, Shirlene Rasmussen, Mike Mackay, and Brad Welch. City employees present were Garrett Sorensen, Greg Sorensen, Kacey Young, Justin Jackson, Steve Gray, Cameron Thompson, and Jan Anderson. Citizens present were Milette, Mackay, Erma Lee Hansen, David Maxwell from the Sanpete Messenger, Behrad Tabatabaei, Gilbert Dewolf, Maria and Mike Ricks. 

The invocation and pledge of allegiance was offered by Councilmember Casey Anderson. Mayor Wheeler introduced and welcomed two new employees–  Krista Gray crossing guard and City Manager Camron Thompson who will come on board August 23, 2021.


Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the minutes from April 15, 2021, with a correction of name. Councilman Brad Welch seconded. The voting was unanimous in favor of. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the minutes from May 18, 2021, with the second by Councilman Matt Sorensen. The voting was unanimous in favor of. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the minutes from June 17, 2021, with a correction of Company name from UAMPS to ICP Engineering. Councilman Mike Mackay seconded. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Water and Sewer Department

Sewer Reuse Update. Meeting is scheduled with the McAllister family for an easement acquisition. The plan is to put the tank on their property. Easements need to be acquired before putting out to bid. Still working on getting property information. The plan is to move forward as planned.

Water Update. Horrocks Engineers put together a scope of work agreement for the lower tank improvement project. The tank is collapsing. A couple of code violations were found when divers inspected the tank. Found out that there are two caps on the tank so the lid has twice the weight causing the bottom to start collapsing. There are two proposals for upgrade of the tank, one being that of piping the water up to the existing tank on the hill with upgrade of tank, or two, build new tank (500,000 gallon). With this, the City would need to acquire land or easements. Need to look at funding. USDA would be the logical funding agency. Hoping to qualify for a 75 percent grant. The project would run around 2 million dollars. If the City were to get the grant(s) then the water budget would be able to fund the project. Not looking for decision now, just wanting approval to proceed with task order to start with the engineers. The hope is to make a decision next month either to run up to the existing tank or build a new one. If the tank collapses, then the city is reliant on the wells, .  Councilman Brad Welch moved to proceed work order 12 and keep the Council updated. With this task order it obligates only $15,000. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Power Department

Councilman Casey Anderson, UAMPS Operating 2021-2022 Budget Margin/Deficit. Their audit incorporates all power project. Fairview City receives a cash sum from this audit. The question was asked to the Council what they wanted to do with the money. Do they want to have UAMPS cut a check or have them put in a “savings account” with them (UAMPS). Councilman Brad Welch moved to have the money left with UAMPS and roll into the “savings account”. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Power Update. Greg Sorensen presented the Council with a picture of a flaw in a metal structure at the substation. It is four feet long. It looks like a material flaw.  He contacted Codale, they need to see what they can find out and if it is fixable. It is still structural strong. It is one of the supports of the switching gear and bus gear. He will let the Council know what he finds out. Work is progressing with the second feeder, waiting on the easement from Farms for 5 LLC. They did agree to the term of one impact fee. A second pole on Canyon Road was found to be rotted. There will be a second power outage with this. They are hoping not to take the whole town out. Hoping to set this pole in two weeks. They will make sure there is ample notice given to the public. 

Councilman Mike Mackay, Meet the Candidate Night. On October 6, 2021, the museum will host a meet the Candidate Night starting at 7 p.m. Jonathan Benson has agreed to MC the event. 

Canvass of Primary Elections. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the 2021 Primary 

Casey Anderson                      248
Shirlene D. Rasmussen           196
Sean Rawlinson                     98
Kirk Watts                              45
Talon C. Peterson                   36
Aaron Watts                            27

Rejected Ballots: 2 ballots with signatures that did not match and 8 ballots with no postage and received after the deadline. As of August 10, 2021, there were 739 active voters–  341 (46.14%) voted.

Councilman Mike Mackay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen, Sports Park Discussion and Yard Waste Disposal. The drinking fountain down at the sports park has been broken, one has been ordered. Would like to get lights for the pickle court, the cost is approximately $4,000. Just need to purchase the lights and timer, the City has the poles. It was discussed to consider waiting until next spring to move on this because winter is soon approaching. This will be a capital expense. Councilman Brad Welsh moved to accept the bid of $4,000 to put in lights at the pickle ball court. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Councilwomen Rasmussen asked for discussion regarding disposal of tree limbs out at the burn pile. In researching, there is no documentation i.e., resolution or ordinance that states that the citizens can’t do it. It was also mentioned that there is no documentation stating they can do it either. Mayor Cliff Wheeler stated that he is looking at ways to expand the cemetery to the east, the ground would need to be leveled. It was asked if the Council was okay to proceed in putting in place an ordinance or policy allowing for disposal of limbs so that there are rules which govern this. It was suggested to look at Ephraim’s ordinance. May need to start considering a new location for dumping limbs. Discussion ensued a fall clean up. Councilman Brad Welch stated he would talk to Gerald Peahl to see if he is willing to help with the clean up before a date is set. This will need to be put on the agenda for next month. Need to find a spot for 

City Truck/Equipment Discussion. The one-ton has a lot of mechanical issue. With the proposed annexation, the need to upgrade is warranted. Would like to update to 4-wheel drive. This truck would be used to put the dirt in when digging graves, plowing snow, and other projects the departments may need it for. No idea of cost at this time. A new truck could run up to $80,000. It was asked if there was a possibility of a used one, could look at what surplus the State has. The injectors are not keeping up on the old truck. City Employee Logan Ludvigson was given the assignment to look into a truck for the City and bring back information back to the Council.

Councilman Matt Sorensen, Annexation. Councilman Sorensen asked to have this item put back on the agenda. Would like to see this annexation move forward. Once the resolution has been passed the process begins. The goal is to have it ready for next month. Need to check on the status of the map which has been sent to the County. 

Rodeo Contract Discussion. Rodeo contractor from Circle J (Mascaro) approached Mitchel Jackson. The contract will be up shortly and will need to be renewed. The Contractor has a concern–  it being, the economics of rodeo. He would like to do two performance nights. Would the Council allow Mitchell to have this discussion with him? They were in favor of this but would like to have more discussion after the conversation was had. 

Note: A barbeque will be held August 30th at 6 p.m. for those committee chairs and employees.


Mayor Cliff Wheeler. He would like to have a clean-up day with City staff to go through the buildings to organize, clean, review files and rid of those items not needed. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen and Maria Rick attending the Sanpete Coalition meeting. Need to continue to get word out to the community to offer assistance to at risk youth.


Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the vouchers from July 15, 2021, to August 18, 2021. Councilman Brad Welch seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Adjourned at 8:50 p.m. by Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen with the second by Councilman Mike Mackay. Motion carried in favor of.

Fairview City