City Council Meeting Minutes, Dec 16, 2021
Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting, December 16, 2021
Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Thursday, December 16, 2021, at 85 South State Street, County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Cliff Wheeler called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Councilmembers present were Matt Sorensen, Shirlene Rasmussen, Mike MacKay were present with Casey Anderson, and Brad Welch present via cell phone. City employees present were Greg Sorensen, Steve Gray, Cameron Thompson, and Jan Anderson. Citizens present were. Penny Hatfield, Elizabeth Lwallen, Blue Lwallen, Paul Kendall, Nathan McClure, Erma Lee Hansen, and Steven J. Clark.
The invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were offered by Councilman Mike Mackay.
Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the minutes from November 18, 2021. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Planning Commission.
Solar Panel Discussion. Do not do net meter. Working with employee Greg Sorensen and rest of power department looking to figure out to do it, procedures, etc. limitation, size of panel, and power output. Will have a policy to Council next month.
Annexation. Salvage Associates Engineering is reviewing the annexation plats. Hoping to get an update on a timeframe.
Planning Commission Oversight. Councilman Mike MacKay reviewed the zoning ordinance regarding terms and procedures for members of the planning commission. There are five members and they are five year terms. Each year the Mayor approves the chair and co-chair. There maybe an opening to fill in the commission. A secretary is needed. Secretary Jan Anderson would like to step down. Councilman MacKay would like to take on the responsibilities of the secretary. He is there every month as a guide and overseer. No decision was made at meeting.
Power Department Update. The Council received a daily log of calls received in the power department. Employee Greg Sorensen reviewed with the Council the projects they are working. Pretty much the same as last time he reported. He asked the Council on primary extension(s) when an individual pays for the extension, but other property owners come and want to hook on to this line, what is their suggestion on this how they want to handle this. Once the line is in, it is the City’s line. It is hard to keep track of all this. This isn’t just the power department that has to deal with this but the other utilities as well. Councilman Brad Welch stated that Rocky Mountain Power uses a formula where they use a four-year period and a percentage. He will get a copy of their paperwork and forward it on to Greg who would like to review this before any decision is made.
Police Department Update. Chief Steve Gray reviewed the current statistic numbers with the Council. Looking into finding money to hire more help. Working on trading trucks. The lease is up.
Refinancing Sewer Loan(s) Discussion. Zions Bank is working through paperwork and will present options to the city council. Basic terms are 20 years, 2.6% interest. Refinance three bonds from water and sewer. Fees are estimated to be $20,000. Refinancing the three loans would save the City $300,000 or more depending on what option the Council decides to go with.
City Manager Update. The ambulance is threatening to remove the ambulance located here in Fairview and deploy from another community. Talked with Randy Dowland from the Northbend entertainers and told him that the City would rather receive a check for the use of the dance hall instead of them replacing the kitchen floor themselves. Hoping to implement a manual for each building with the fire alarm to help address issues quicker. In April a check should be coming the City’s way. The Council was asked to review the dance hall contract. The sports park bathroom doors don’t latch very well and as a result they have been used despite the building being winterized. The city hall roof was repaired on December 2nd for $4,850. Working with the power department in addressing solar. Looking into the pole agreement with CentraCom. The agreement was signed in 1981. It should be renegotiated every five years. Survey work was completed the week of December 1st for the sewer water reuse. Presently, there is no documented policy on how water credits are treated from water overages and corrections made. The City should have a policy in writing that addresses this issue.
Set Date for Work Meeting. The purpose of the work meeting is to work through the duties of city manager. Set for January 11th at 7 p.m.
Meeting Schedules for Coming Year. The Council received the set meeting schedule for the coming year of 2022. (Third Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m.)
Resolution No. 2021-03; A Resolution of the Fairview City Council Replacing Previous Policy Regarding the Sale of Lots in the Upper Fairview City Cemetery and Associated Fee for Opening and Closing Grave. Councilman Mike MacKay moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-03. Councilman Brad Welch seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of. (Note. Exhume will stay the same being $600)
Mayor Cliff Wheeler – General City Business. The museum received the $250,000 they applied for. Christmas light winners were Jerry and Tammy Johnson, Jeremy and Sarah Mylroie, and Thor and Kristin Grasteit. Power credit of 100, 50, and 25 credit put towards their light bill. Mayor Wheeler expressed his feelings of gratitude for serving Fairview City as council member and mayor.
Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the vouchers from November 18, 2021 to December 14, 2021. Councilman Mike MacKay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.by motion from Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen with the second by Councilman Matt Sorensen. Motion carried in favor of.