City Council Meeting Minutes, Feb 17, 2022

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting, February 17, 2022

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held Thursday, February 17, 2022, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Brad Welch called the meeting order at 7:30 p.m. City Council members present were Shirlene Rasmussen, Mike MacKay, Matt Sorensen, Casey Anderson, and Jim Cheney. City employees present were Greg Sorensen, Logan Ludvigson, Steve Gray, Cameron Thompson, and Jan Anderson. Citizens present were Erma Lee Hansen, Jared Livingston, Jordan and Kylynn Lee, and Japheth McGee.

The invocation and pledge of allegiance was offered by Councilman Casey Anderson.


Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the minutes from January 20, 2022, and minutes from the work meeting of January 11, 2022. Councilman Mike Mackay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.  


Jordan Lee, Horse Request.  A complaint came into the City regarding Jordan Lee’s horses with the smell and the number (4).  Jordan stated that he just moved into the home. The prior homeowner kept horses on this property, and it didn’t seem to be an issue. His plan is to take the horses to his father’s field in the springtime and bring them back in the winter. The current code book states that on ¼ acre no horses are allowed, ½ acres two horses and 1 acre four horses. This ordinance has been in effect for 14 years. This ordinance is in the process of being modified. The enforcement is lacking in the ordinance. Therefore, the Council has their hands tied. The City will keep Jordan abreast of the when the ordinance is modified and passed. He will, in the meantime, visit with his neighbors and keep his property horse pasture cleaned. 

Jared Livingston, Big Pine Expansion. Big Pine Sports is growing at a fast pace and running out of room for employees and product. The plan is to put in a new showroom on the corner of Milburn Road and Canyon Road (SR 31). With this addition will come an additional 10 to 15 jobs. The trailer park will be demolished. The tenants have been notified. Jared has met with UDOT and their requirements will be met. The proposed plan is to build an addition on to the exiting building, and a new showroom (building) along with a new shop. The look of the building will be like the existing building. Jared met with the Planning Commission where they requested that he come before the Council to see if they saw any “red flag” that they missed. The Council appreciated Jared coming and sharing his plans and appreciates all his has done for Fairview City.


Power Department Update. City Employee Greg Sorensen briefed the City Council. City Employee Garrett Sorensen did some welding and filling of the crack down at the substation. Codale was unable to come down and fix it. They gave the City a credit on the work Garret did in repairing the crack. When the weather gets warmer, the painting will be done on the pole. The little bucket truck had a recall and was serviced—framework and transmission done. There were two power blinks this last month, one was a rocky mountain power issue and the other was an issue up at the green water tank. The department has been working on trimming trees and replacing cutouts. A hurtman rescue training was held. Need to be certified each year. Ordering materials, some materials are out 52 weeks to 80 weeks. 

Police Department Update. Interviewed five applicants for the new police officer opening. Some of those applicants had five-years’ experience to none. The job was offered to City Employee Logan Ludvigson. This in turn opens the door to hire a water/sewer person. The Mayor and Council welcomed Logan into the Police Department. He will be going through “POST” and will start in March. 

24th of July Discussion. A committee meeting was held. The schedule will be the same as last year. The Council will have same event assignment as last year–  Matt ATV; Casey Derby; Shirlene Icebreaker, rodeo, rodeo royalty pageant, and kids games; Mike kids rodeo; and Jim parade and kids parade. City Manager Cameron Thompson is working with Cindy Glad to hold an artisan event as part of the 24th of July activities. Looking to hold it close by the car show.  

Miss Fairview and Float Discussion. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen checked on portable carports. It takes eight months after you order one before you can even get it. The cost is around $16,000 to $20,000. Placement of the shed was discussed. The options mentioned were by the cemetery, by the shop, by the fire station, by the container at the sports park, or on the property where the old substation was located on 100 east. It was mentioned that for the cost to purchase the shed, the float could be redone a lot of times. It was suggested to consider a shed that can be used for multiple uses. The Council was asked to come next month with their recommendation and location for placement. 

RAP Tax Discussion. Previous recipients included the Fairview Museum roof, the sports park restroom and pickle ball, and the Keller Arena sign. RAP Taxes collected year-to-date in Fiscal Year 2022 is $17, 084 and was budgeted at $25,000 at year end. The Council will need to formalize some sort of process for administering the RAP tax funds to give organizations a chance to apply. Mayor Welch will work with Manager Thompson on this. 

City Manager Update. Working on educating the public on the easiness of viewing their bill online and paying the bill online if they prefer. The phone conversation(s) take time out of the day that could be used to accomplish more pressing things. The GIS software is up and running. Notice of bid for repair of well number 4 will go out shortly, hoping to get a contractor to replace riser pipe. Working on improving the administrative end of the cemetery, applied for a grant waiting to hear on it. Also, applied for the T-Mobile grant which if award will use on the ball fields. 


Resolution No. 2022-02R; Consider Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Water and Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds. Japheth McGee from Zion’s bank came before the Council to explain the nature of the resolution. In refinancing the existing bonds, a cost savings to the City would be approximately $10,000 a yea. Timeframe of bond is maximum 26 years. Anticipate closing the end of March. Rates have started to climb. Councilman Mike Mackay moved to adopt Resolution 2022-02R authorizing the issuance of water and sewer revenue refunding bonds. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting in favor—Matt Sorensen, Casey Anderson, Jim Cheney, Shirlene Rasmussen, and Mike Mackay.


Mayor Brad Welch – General City Business. The following assignments were given to the Council:

Councilman Matt Sorensen – Mayor Pro-Tempore, public works, water/sewer operations, recreation programs, ball fields and sports complex, 24th July ATV Rodeo

Councilman Casey Anderson –  power department, cemetery, 24th July Derby

Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen – City festivals and events excluding the 24th July events (shared by Council), Craft fairs and farmers’ market, Iven Cox park and Museum Representative 

Councilman Mike Mackay – planning and zoning, public work–  power, water, and sewer planning, 24th July Kids Rodeo

Councilman Jim Cheney – fire and ambulance, economic development; main street revitalization, Industrial development, and roads, 24th July parade/kids parade

Councilman Casey Anderson brought up an issue of dogs and/or other animals leaving their mess at the cemetery, parks, etc. May want to consider getting bag stations. Could this be considered part of the nuisance ordinance. 

Councilman Jim Cheney brought up the issue of road repair when the road has been cut into for a new home build, etc. Need to figure out how to get homeowners/contractors to do a better job of compacting the repair. City Manager Cameron Thompson will work on putting together a permit to cut into the road. 


Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the vouchers from January 20, 2022, to February 16, 2022. Councilman Mats Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. by Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen. 

Fairview City