City Council Meeting Minutes, Nov 18, 2021

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting, November 18, 2021

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 85 South State Street, County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Cliff Wheeler called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council members present were Shirlene Rasmussen, Matt Sorensen, Casey Anderson, Mike Mackay, and Brad Welch. City employees present were Cameron Thompson, Greg Sorensen, Justin Jackson, Steve Gray, Shandi Sorensen, and Jan Anderson. Citizens present were Erma Lee Hansen, Kristy Jensen, Linda Cox, Shirley McCrone, Janice Miner, Gilbert DeWolf, Gary and Gayle Jensen, Cheryl Howcroft, Trenton Howcroft Jim and Kathy Erickson, Shane and Natalie Thompson, Coleen ????, KcKenna Christiansen, and Linda Christiansen. 

The prayer and pledge were offered by Councilman Brad Welch


Councilman Mike Mackay moved to approve the minutes from October 21, 2021, with the second by Brad Welch. The voting was unanimous in favor of.  Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the minutes from November 2, 2021, with the second by Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen. The voting was unanimous in favor of. 


Shining Star Presentation, Recipient Kristy Jensen. Mayor Cliff Wheeler presented the Shining Star Award to Kristy Jensen for all her years of service to the community and to the City of Fairview. Kristy graciously accepted the award.

Linda Christiansen, Sanpete Kindness Presentation. Linda came before the Mayor and Council to brief them on an idea that was presented to her to brighten peoples’ lives through kindness. She is in the process of creating a non-profit organization called Sanpete Kindness. She has visited different City Council’s etc. throughout the valley enlightening them of the project. She can be followed on Facebook or Instagram. She was not asking for a donation, she is asking the different cities to help design a logo. She is planning on one project per year. This year the theme is “be a light” hoping to put up signs all over the community. If the city is interested in a sign(s) please contact her. Mayor Wheeler presented her with a flower and thanked her for her time and for taking a negative and turning it into a positive. 


Planning Commission

Josh Swapp, Home Occupation Permit Approval (HOP), West of Ditch Reloading, 276 S 200 W.  Josh Swapp met with the Planning Commission; all requirements were met. They recommended approval. Once this HOP is approved then he will submit the required documents to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms (FFL) for a permit. His proposed business is reloading ammunition. There will be no signage, anticipates one customer at a time, there should not be any impact to the neighborhood. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the HOP for West Ditch Reloading, Josh Swapp at 276 South 200 West. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Larson & Company  PC – Annual Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 3021.  Hot items with the state auditor – test no disclosures. Financial statements are correct. Jon Haderlie reported on the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, audit. He went over the management letter, bond compliance, and financial report along with the findings. The City was found to be in good standings. The results from the Auditor’s test disclosed no instance of noncompliance that is required to be reported under government auditing standards. The general purposed financial statements are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepting in the United States.  Note: Audit reports are available at the office for review.

Power Department Update. City employee Greg Sorensen briefed the Mayor and Council on what transpired during the past month. The yearly truck inspection was this past month, the big bucket truck was red tagged. Waiting on a quote to have it fixed. City Employee Kacey Young got first place in the skills competition he participated in. Material is getting harder and harder to come by. Transformers are a year out. If the City keeps growing, then the City may be in trouble due to lack of materials. 

Note: Power pool meeting November 30th in Mt. Pleasant City Hall at noon.

Water/Sewer Department City Employee Justin Jackson briefed the Mayor and Council that he had a conference call with Smith Hartvigsen. Hartvigsen sent out the necessary acceptance documents to two property owners whom they have been trying to get in contact with. A scheduled call has been set up for December 1, 2021, to determine the next step. 

The water master plan is in rough draft form and is now back in the City’s hands for more information. It should be completed shortly. 

There has been a high volume of water leaks, most like because of the irrigation—meaning plugged pop-up sprinklers. 

City Manager Update. City Manager Cameron Thompson briefed the Mayor and Council regarding the annexation. Savage stated the plats he received were difficult to review due to the lack of section lines and other information. They have made contact with Ludlow and will continue working with them.

The water and sewer department received $2,500 from old water meters they scraped. With they money a new toolbox for the shop will be purchased for $1,100. 

Municode gave the City a quote for $9,000 for recodification cost which includes a lawyer reviewing and making sure all codes are up to date with state codes.

Estimates were gathered to install a floor for the chair room and kitchen in the dance hall. The cost will range from $4,000 to $5,000 depending on material selected. This project is not in the budget. 

Justin Morley Lawn Care has finished up for the summer. The total cost for the summer was $19,599. As perceived, the lawns are full of weeds, recommendation is to hire seasonal staff to manage the grounds and other projects as needed. 

The highest rate on the original sewer project is 4.375% interest rate. There are 20 years remaining on two of the loans. If these loans were refinanced, it would save the City nearly $500,000 in interest payments if paid off in full today. Option to consider for refinancing would be with a private bank or pay off early with no penalty. Total principal on the two loans is approximately $794,584. Cache Valley Bank has offered to refinance the loan, waive the origination fee, no prepayment penalty. Interest rate would be 2.49% but that rate would not be locked in for 20-25 years, the interest rate could change every five years. Still waiting on Zion’s Bank for their terms and analysis. 

Visited with Kenny Cox from MKJ Construction, he estimated $9,800 to move the soil from the storage sheds to the ball fields that is approximately $55 or lower a load. Soil needed is 160,000 square feet, not sure the number of loads. With the number of different people involved with this project it was asked if the Council would assign a single point of contact to coordinate the volunteers and equipment. It was asked if the Council was still good with using the funds approved to allow MKJ to move the soil. They were good with this. 

The City Hall roof is in need of repair, there are a few leaks that are surfacing, it is estimated around $5,000 to repair the leaks. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve up to $5,000 to replace the floors in the dance hall. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The motion was in favor of. 

The police department is in need of more part-time help. It is getting harder to find help. The City is getting to the point that a second officer is needed. Can use the parttime money that is left to move into getting a second officer. Looking into this and will come back to the Council with more information. 

Also, the City was contacted regarding someone who wants to come to town and do a movie shot with the local motel. 

Cemetery Discussion Follow Up – Councilman Casey Anderson. The cemetery committee met, and they came back with the recommendation that non-resident should pay more than resident. They did not have a remedy on how to distinguish non-residents vs. residents. With some discussion, the Council decided that resident would incorporate those who are permanent residents who are on City utilities. After discussion it was decided that a burial plot would be $600 for a resident and $1,800 for a non-resident. Opening and closing fee would be $400 for resident and $600 for non-resident and weekend burial would be $600 for a resident and $700 for a non-resident. To exhume a grave was left open. Councilman Mike Mackay moved to increase burial plots, no follow up with a second was made. This item will come back in resolution form next month for approval. 

Youth Sports and Recreation – Councilman Matt Sorensen. Apparently, there are parents who have kids participating in youth sports that are getting up in the noses of the officials who are mainly youth themselves. The North Sanpete Recreation Commission has decided to have put together a code of conduct together for parents’ signature. This is to promote good sportsmanship. Communities are always looking for coaches and officials. Officiating is one of those things that does not receive much praise.  

24th of July Schedule Dates Discussion. Mayor Cliff Wheeler mentioned that rodeo chair, Mitch Jackson needed to get the clown and announcer secured for this coming year. July 24th falls on a Sunday this next coming year. It was decided to keep the schedule for next year the same as last year i.e., derby on Saturday, rodeo on Friday, and kids rodeo on Thursday.  


Ordinance 2021-03; Historic Preservation Ordinance Commission to Survey and Inventory Community Historic Resources, To Review Proposed Nominations to the National Register of Historic Places, to Review Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness, to Provide Advice, and Information to City Officials and Other Governmental Officials and to Support Enforcement of State Historic Preservation Laws. Mayor Cliff Wheeler stated that Fairview City is a certified local government at a local level. They are certified for meeting grants per historical criteria. He asked if the Council approved of him to put a commission place. He has several people in mind. The grants are 50/50. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve Ordinance 2021-03 with the second by Councilman Brad Welch. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Ordinance 2021-04; Amending Ordinance No. 2021-01, Nuisance Abatement, Chapter 10-320, Penalty, adding “…requires a Mandatory Court Appearance,…”. Councilman Brad Welch moved to adopt Ordinance 2021-04 with the second by Councilman Mike Mackay. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Mayor Cliff Wheeler stated that Santa was coming December 6th at 6 p.m. The museum has cleaned out the old city hall. By the end of the month, the museum should get the grant they applied for.


Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the vouchers form October 20, 2021 to November 17, 2021. Councilman Brad Welch seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Meeting adjourned at 9:57 p.m. by Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. Motion carried in favor of.      

Fairview City