City Council Meeting Minutes, Oct 21, 2021
Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting and Public Hearing, October 21, 2021
Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 85 South State Street, State of Utah. Mayor Cliff Wheeler called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council members present were Matt Sorensen, Mike MacKay, Shirlene Rasmussen, Casey Anderson. Councilman Brad Welch participate via telephone. City employees present were Cameron Thompson, Justin Jackson, Kacey Young, Greg Sorensen, Steve Gray, and Jan Anderson. Citizens present were Robert Broadhead, Jennifer Lyman, Jason Mardell, and Steven O. Clark.
The invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was offered by City Recorder Jan Anderson.
Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the minutes from September 16, 2021, with a couple of spelling corrections. Councilman Mike Mackay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
To Receive Citizens Input Regarding the issuance of the Bonds and nay Potential Economic Impact to the Private Sector from the Construction of the Project to be Funded by the Bonds for Financing the Construction of Sewer System Improvements, Including Construction of a New Lift Station at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, a Concrete Water Storage Tank, Air Release Stations, Drains, Pressure Reducing Valve Vaults and SCADAS upgrades to Supply Re-use Water for Use at the City Cemetery, together with all Related Work and Improvements. Mayor Wheeler opened the public hear at 7:32 p.m. No public comment was brought to the attention of the City Council.
Close Public Hearing and Reconvene into Regular Council Meeting. The public hearing was closed at 7:36 p.m.
Planning Commission
Jennifer Lyman, Business License Approval, Bates Ventures LLC, DBA Outskirts Roasting Co., 30 East 100 North. Jennifer met with the Planning Commission. All requirements have been met. And recommended for approval. The business is coffee roasting, they market to local businesses and markets throughout the area. They do the roasting on Fridays. Councilman Mike Mackay moved to approve the business license for Jennifer Lyman, Outskirts Roasting Company, at 30 East 100 North. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Robert Broadhead, Business License Approval, RK Enterprises, LLC, DBA Sanpete Shooting Sports. Robert ran Sanpete Shooting Sports prior to Fairview in Mt. Pleasant but shut down that location because of the overhead cost. He is wanting to open it in the basement of Homeplate café. It will be by appointment only and opened on Wednesdays from 10 to noon. He will be selling firearms The inventory will not be kept for a long period of time. He will not be selling until the DOPL transfers the license over to the Fairview location. There will only be one gun at a time kept at the store for only a couple of days. There will be cameras on site. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the business license for RK Enterprises LLC. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Water/Sewer Department
GIS Mapping Discussion. City Employee Justin Jackson seeking approval from the City Council for a geographic information system (GIS). Horrocks Engineers gave a quote of $18,000. The quote includes setup, input of existing utility data, Develop tools and applications. The data base would for all city infrastructure. It retains data like google earth. GIS takes it a little further. The cost will be split equally within all departments. It will be hosted because the city does not have a dedicated server. The annual cost will be $500. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the GIS mapping system for $18,000. Councilman Mike Mackay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Right-of-Way Sewer Discussion. All property owners have been contacted. They all seem to be in favor with the proposed easement(s). Craig Smith from Smith Hartvigsen is working on the legal descriptions and easements. In contact with all property owners. No timeframe yet. The area for the tank was drilled and cored. The samples came back indicating that this location was better the previous one.
Power Department
Continue of Substation Repair Follow Up. The City will receive a credit from Codale for the repair work the City did on the structure. The small power blinks the City has been experiencing have been from black birds. The change over on the 46-line went well.
Old Substation Reclamation Estimate(s). The City received a couple of bids for environmental assessment on City property located approximately 45 South 100 East. Horrocks Engineers bid $4,300 and REMC Environmental bid $9,743.50. It was decided that this item be put on hold until the coming budget year. It is in the best interest of the City to pursue this assessment whether the City decides to sell or keep the property.
Building and Grounds
Ball Field Topsoil/Rehab Discussion Follow Up. Estimates were gathered for revitalization of the old ball field grass. City Manager Cameron Thompson, Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen, City activity director Shandi Sorensen, and citizen Lee R. Sorensen met to start the process of getting grass planted for soccer and baseball. The plan was to keep the SW ball field and convert the other ballfields into grass for a soccer/football field, leaving an area to the north for a parking lot/city yard access. The bathroom will need to be removed and relocated to the east side of the park rather than renovate it. Volunteer time and services will be solicited. Free topsoil has been located. The soil will need to be sprayed for weeds. The goal would be to have ready by next summer. The issue facing the City is the relocating of the topsoil and prep the soil. It was estimated that it would take 168 loads of topsoil at a cost estimate of $40,000 to $80,000. Time and money are the main issue. There is money available in the sport park account. After some discussion, Councilman Mike Mackay moved to use the money from the sports account to move forward with this project. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
City Hall Landscaping Discussion. Daniel Hopkins came and looked at the dying trees in front of the City Hall. The trees were planted to close to the building. They will need to come out sooner than later. He recommended that they be removed while they are small. The tree in the front that is dying should be removed. It was asked if the Council would like to consider relandscaping the city hall. If so, this then becomes a budget item that will need to The Council was asked what they would like to do. This becomes a project that will need to be budgeted next year.
Ordinance – Adopt Utah Criminal Code Regarding Litter, Etc. This item is taken care by Utah code. Clarifying that the City will follow current criminal code.
Increase Burial Plot Price to Fund Cemetery Expansion – Future Mapping of Cemetery Discussion. In the future, the cemetery will need to be expanded. The cemetery budget reflects that it has been expended. Need to create revenue. Mayor Wheeler thinks this item needs to be seriously looked at. Discussion ensued. The Council liked the idea of resident charge and non-resident charge. Councilman Casey Anderson is holding a cemetery committee meeting and will have then come up with ideas/recommendation for Council. Will continue this discussion at next council meeting.
PTIF and Road(s) Bond Update. City Manager Cameron Thompson prepared a history for the Council on road projects from back 2013. The City took a CIB bond for $350,000 at 2.5% interest to be paid back annually, over 10 years. The bond was to cover the chip seal of roads. As of today, there is approximately $189,000 in savings with an estimated annual increase of $79,000. Fifteen manholes have been contracted out to do this year. There are some road repairs that need to be completed by different contractors for new construction, etc. Shoulder issues on the roads were addressed, they should be patched before snowplowing this winter. The elementary road needs to be expanded two feet on both sides. Need to start getting ideas formulated to put into next year’s budget.
City manager Duties, Powers, and Responsibilities Ordinance No. 2002-01. The City Council reviewed Ordinance 2002-01 which was put into place back when Don Worley was Mayor. When Cameron Thompson was hired, he was hired under the title of city manager instead of administrator. After some discussion on the ordinance, the Council was asked how they wanted to proceed with the revision of the ordinance. Mayor Cliff Wheeler will get with Councilman Matt Sorensen and put together changes for an amended ordinance.
Nuisance Ordinance Update. In January of this year, the City Council passed an ordinance updating old nuisance ordinance, but it lacked the teeth in fines and penalties for enforcement. It is a class C but does not allow for a mandatory court appearance. The Council has the responsibility to assign the fines under city ordinances. Discussion ensued on working through the current codes, but for this ordinance it was decided to keep it at a class c and adding mandatory court appearance. It will need to be decided how to proceed with other ordinances with their penalties.
General Update of City Codes via Consultants. The City has a couple of presentations from different consultants scheduled. The ordinances are in need of an update.
Fall Clean-up Details. Saturday, October 23rd is the date for the clean-up. Dumpsters will be at the regular location of 20ish North and 100 East (museum).
Staff Christmas Party. Scheduled for Tuesday, December 7th at 7 p.m.
Note: Multi-fire training November 6th at Fairview rodeo grounds.
Mayor Cliff Wheeler – General City Business Update. A Christmas lighting contest will be held again this year. Need to put in Focus. Winners will receive a credit of $100, $50, and $25 off their utility billing. Need to get committee organized. Next month Mayor Wheeler would like to talk about historic preservation. Mayor Wheeler would like to start an annual shining star award to be given to citizen(s) who have contributed their time in service. Next month, he would like to present this award to a member of the community. The State of Utah will be celebrating 125 years of statehood in January. They are looking for stories from people who have ancestors that were alive when Utah became a state. The stories will be part of the discovery road program.
Councilman Mike Mackay moved to approve the vouchers from September 15, 2021, to October 19, 2021. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen moved to adjourn meeting at 9:23 p.m. Councilman Mike MacKay. Motion carried in favor of.