City Council Meeting Minutes, Sept 16, 2021

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting, September 16, 2021

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Thursday, September 16, 2021, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Cliff Wheeler called the meeting to order by 7:30 p.m. Council members present were Brad Welch, Mike Mackay, Shirlene Rasmussen, Matt Sorensen, and Casey Anderson. City employees present were Cameron Thompson, Logan Ludvigson, Justin Jackson, Greg Sorensen, Steve Gray and Jan Anderson. Citizens present were Erma Lee Hansen, LeeR Sorensen, David and Lindsey Barker, Paul Kendall, William and Ashley Webb, Brooklyn Hall and David Dillman from Horrocks Engineers, Branch Cox, Tyler Faddis from Jones & DeMille Engineering, Terry Madsen, and Monica Hendry.

The invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was offered by Councilman Matt Sorensen.

Mayor Cliff Wheeler asked the Council and audience to participate in a “Moment of Silence” for all those who lost their lives in the 9-11 attack back in 2001.


Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the minutes from August 19, 2021, with the seconded by Councilman Mike Mackay. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the minutes from the work meeting held June 9, 2021. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of. 


Branch Cox, Museum Discussion on RAP Tax Money and Approval to Support Upgrade of Building with Grant Money. Mr. Cox mentioned that the 24th of July car show was a big success. They were able to raise close to $24,000. The museum is in need of volunteers. The museum is needing to have some repair work done on the building’s north door entrance and the furnace needs to be replaced. Wondering if there may be some RAP tax money available to help with the cost. 

The Fritz B. Burns Foundation out of California would like a brick-and-mortar project. They have $250,000 for a project. They offered the grant to the museum. The museum board game up with an idea to use that money on the old city hall. It is required that the building be earthquake safe. Will need to have an engineer design the upgrade. The foundation asks for a letter of submittal and needs to have it by the end of the month. The museum is on city property–  will need to have a letter of approval from the City to move forward. Councilman Brad Welch moved to support the Museum with a letter of support to be written by City Manager Cameron Thompson. Councilwomen Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of. David Barker asked if he could take a minute. He is an architect who lives in town. He offered his service to help the Museum with this project. He would like to involve his students from Utah Valley University with the visual and structure of this building. He mentioned that he would like to see this building used for a heritage class or other class which the community may benefit from.  

Lee R. Sorensen. Discussion of Water and Best Use of Land in Fairview, i.e., Sports Park, Ball Fields, and Elementary School. LeeR is the custodian at the elementary school. Because the City does not have a ball field for the community to use, the elementary field is getting overspent. He would like to have the City help with culinary water to help relieve some of the stress from the lawn. Cottonwood Gooseberry Irrigation Company has been good to provide water or at least let him know when the water will be on. Most of the time, he is having to water during the night. There was some frustration with the lack of any place for the youth to practice or play their games on a city facility. After some discussion, the City agreed that there is an issue with the lack of field(s) for our youth to practice on. City employee Justin Jackson was asked to with with LeeR and the school and install a backflow preventor and add a separate meter to distinguish the water used on the outdoor lawns vs. inside water use. Councilman Brad Welch moved to work with LeeR to install a backflow preventor and meter to help distinguish the water used out on the ball field and offset the cost of the water overage. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion, and the voting was unanimous in favor of. Councilman Casey Anderson would like to readdress this item next spring to see if there is a need to continue using City water. LeeR offered his help on the ball field down there by the shop.


Planning Commission

Jonathan Dyches, Home-Occupation Permit (HOP) Approval, 250 E. 200 N., Grizzly Gulch Electric, LLC. Unable to attend due to health reason(s). Mr. Dyches would like to have a home-occupation permit to do electrical work alongside with his regular job. Do not foresee any issues with this permit. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the HOP for Jonathan Dyches. Councilman Mike Mackay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Anika Gabbitas, Business License Approval, 40 South State, Body Beautification & Relation. Anika was unable to come to meeting. Monica Hendry filled in for her. The business is body beautification. She does nails and lashes and finished school. It was asked if she has received her state license. Monica was not sure on this. There will be one or two spots that she will open for rent in the building. She is planning on having a permanent make-up artist in one of the spots. 

She could have up to three clients in there at one time. The Council was hesitant to approve the business license. They asked that Anika go back to the planning commission with proof of license and then come back once the planning commission has made a recommendation. 

Water and Sewer Department

Horrocks Engineers Update.  Dave Dillman and Brooklyn Hill gave the Council an update. The design with the treatment plant is in progress, working on alignment of the pipe making sure it is designed correctly. Moved the tank to the top of the property. The GO tech came down and will need to do a little rework on the design. The tank will be buried halfway and covered with dirt. The water master plan, because the State issued new current design requirements, will have to go back, and adjust the model. It should be done shortly. The upcoming task, is the water tank, would like to get it out to bid. 

Approval/Denial to Move Forward with Water Tank Improvements. City Employee Justin Jackson asked the Council if they had decided on the direction, they wanted to proceed with on the water tank improvement project. Applied for the ARPA grant and plan on applying with RDA. Did not request for any matching. Applied for two million. It was decided that the only real option was to put in a new tank. Eventually the spring line would be hooked into the new tank. Councilman Mike Mackay moved to go forward with replacing the tank. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Power Department

Continue of Substation Repair. Last council meeting it was brough to the attention of the Council that there was a crack in one of the supports at the new substation. Contact was made with Irby, they could an either replace the support which would be a 14-hour power outage or come and sand it down (weld, sand, galvanize). It was discussed and decided to have it welded and if there becomes another issue have them come down and replace the pillar. 

One other issue discussed was the need go over the wages in the power department. The Council received a copy of Mt. Pleasant City wages for their power employees. City employee Greg Sorensen stated that one employee had taken the initiative to be an instructor. The other employee passed the first test. He asked the Council to look at considering an increase for them. It was stated that the budget will need to be re-access to see if there is room in it or if it will need to be opened and adjusted. 

Police Department

Update. Chief Steve Gray presented the Council with his quarterly update. Along with this, it was mentioned that another camera system had been purchased. These will be put at the sports park and the old cameras will be used in another City owned area. A $1,800 grant was awarded to the police department. Another GAG grant for $3,500 will be used for police equipment. 

Continue Discussion of Finding(s) of New Truck. City employee Logan Ludvigson handed out the proposal for new truck. Need to get it approved and ordered by October to guarantee the price of $43,000 for a Ford F350 cabin chassis diesel. It will take until next spring to get the truck. Councilman Brad Welch moved to purchase the truck for $43,000 and start the process knowingly that the budget will need to be opened to make change for this purchase. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Date of Fall Clean Up and Disposal of Tree Limbs. Contact was made with Gerald Peahl. He is not sure that he will be able to do if for free, there is an expense. November would be the first the pile of limbs by the cemetery could be burned. The Council discussed if the clean up could be pulled off this late in the season or put it on the calendar for next fall. Councilman Brad Welch will work on it and then poll the Council on his findings. Need to get word out sooner than later if it is possible to have it. A new location needs to be found for the burn pile. It is too close to the cemetery. 

Discussion on Locks for Restrooms at Sports Park and City Park. Councilman Brad Welch stated that he had looked into the locks for the sports park and dance hall restroom doors. For two doors it is $1,600. It does not include installation. The battery will need to be replace every couple of years.

City Manager Update. City Manager, Cameron Thompson discussed his role. Need to have an ordinance created. The following items addressed were:  The City was approached by an individual who was looking for office space, there is space available in the basement of the City Hall, the individual showed some interest in basement; The prosecuting city attorney was unable for discussion due to sickness regarding the dumping issue at the cemetery; nuisance letters were sent out to a couple of property owners; the ballfields by the shop will take some time to get up and functioning again, would like to make a spot for parking; waiting on quotes on the old substation property testing for PCBs; met with Keven Christensen, Sanpete County Economic development, there is potential for bringing in light industrial businesses, need to get some land secured, talked about hosting trail rides, i.e. atv, bike; and make contact with Salvage Engineers who is reviewing the annexation for the County. 


Resolution No. 2021-09R; Consideration for and adoption of a Parameters Resolution authorizing the issuance Parity Sewer Revenue Bonds of Fairview City; and calling of a public hearing to receive input with respect to the issuance of Parity Sewer Revenue Bonds and any impact to the private sector from the construction of the sewer system improvements to be funded by the Bonds. Councilman Brad Welch moved to adopt Resolution No. 2021-09R; the adoption of the parameters resolution and public hearing to be held next council meeting, October 21, 2021. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. All in favor of: Brad Welch, Casey Anderson, Matt Sorensen, Mike Mackay, and Shirlene Rasmussen.


Mayor Cliff Wheeler mentioned that at Mayor and Commissioner’s meeting, the County is considering changing the county ordinance pertaining to well water. They are considering increasing the water right to one and one-half acre feet to drill a well. Trying to do put in some restrictions.


Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the vouchers from August 19, 2021, to September 14, 2021. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Councilwomen Shirlene Rasmussen motioned to adjourn at 9:17 p.m. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. Motion carried in favor of.

Fairview City