City Council Meeting Minutes, Mar 22, 2022

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held Tuesday, March 22, 2022, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Brad Welch called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council members present were Matt Sorensen, Shirlene Rasmussen, Mike MacKay, Casey Anderson, and Jim Cheney. City employees present were Justin Jackson, Kacey Young, Jan Anderson, and Steve Gray. Citizens present were Judy Cheney and Tresce Cheney, Amy Anderson, Lexi Booher, Kambrielle Grasteit, Sophia Johnson, and Steve Clark.

The Prayer and Pledge of Allegiances was offered by Council Mike Mackay.


Councilman Mike MacKay moved to approved minutes from February 17, 2022. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Miss Fairview Introduction. Miss Fairview Kambrielle Grasteit came and introduced herself along with her first attendant Lexi Booher and second attendant Sophia Johnson. They are excited to help wherever and whenever needed. 


Planning Commission

Approve Talon Peterson as Replacement Member for Shauna Rawlinson and Milette Mackay as Secretary Replacement for Jan Anderson. Mayor Brad Welch asked for approval from the Council to support him with the recommendations from the Planning Commission’s to have Talon Peterson serve on the Planning Commission and Milette MacKay to serve as secretary. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve Talon Peterson as new Planning Commission member and Milette MacKay as secretary. Councilwomen Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

General Plan – Public Hearing Scheduled for April 7th at 7:00 p.m. Just a note. 

UAMPS Power Project Development Update. Councilman Casey Anderson updated the Council and the pubic on UAMPS’ projects that are in the works–  Red Mesa, postponed; solar project developments for December of 2022 and maybe six months after that depending on supplies;  Muddy creek in Wyoming natural gas compression still under review. CFPP in Idaho Falls is on task, the operating license stage may make it for 2030; Horse Butte wind project in Idaho Falls is in their second round of funding; Lake Powell is the cheapest power source for Fairview City and if the water deeps dropping off, then the City will lose power. Hoping that the summer months are cooler and educated our citizens. 

Little Miss Fairview Pageant Discussion. The question was asked–  is this something the City would like to continue to have? Due to COVID, the pageant was not held last year. Money was allocated in the current budget. After some discussion, it was decided to hold the pageant, but to make sure the Miss Fairview pageant directors were willing to put it on.

Procurement Policy Discussion. A procurement question came about with the bidding on repair of well four. No formal policy was found. A policy will be created and brought back for approval.  

Seasonal Grounds Maintenance Discussion. The last three years, sod at the cemetery has not taken hold and most of that sod needed to be replaced the following year. The cemetery budget has been expended. With the drought and the sewer reuse project, it would be very unproductive to sod or hydroseed. The City will do their best to make the cemetery look good for memorial day, the graves will be filled and tamped down and weeds pulled. Quotes have been requested for gopher abatement from Utah Gopher Control and Jenson Brothers. Ecolife was asked a for a quote for weed and feed treatment. A seasonal lawncare job notice will be put out to take care of cemetery and one for the rest of the lawns. 

Water/Sewer Department Update. A few applicates have been received on the sewer/water job opening. Interviews will be scheduled. A bid went out for repair on well four, and no bids were received. Poulson Drilling was contacted, and Heath stated that he could do it for under $27,000. Pipe has been ordered and the job will be done by May 6th. The State accepted the water master plan. It was learned at the water conference that the State of Utah received very little money from the ARPA. EPA is or will be shortly imposing lead and copper inventory be done on all waterlines to homes by 2024. This will take a lot of time to get residents to comply with this. 

Still waiting on the easements for the sewer reuse project. Hoping to start the CIB procurement the middle of June and hoping to start the project in November. The plant is still not running well. Running the ban screen by hand.  

City Manager Update. There is a person in town who would like to hold a public barbeque/dance event this summer. They would like to hold it at the sports park. He would take donations at the door. The RAP Tax is available for such events. The Council did not see a problem with him holding the event if it falls under the City insurance, or if not, he would need to provide insurance. The bond refinancing went well, did not get the bond rating anticipated. But it was still worth doing.  Waiting for drier weather to move the dirt to the ball fields. Annexation is still on hold, waiting for new maps. The water system has been added to the new GIS system. Maps have been created and hop to add to the website. Waiting to hear back on grants. The new personnel policy manual was given to the Mayor to review. Copies will be provided to the Council.

Schedule Budget Work Meeting. A work meeting was scheduled for April 26th at 6:30 p.m. to go over the budget for next year. Councilman Casey Anderson stated that at UAMPS will be holding hosting a power rate workshop in conjunction with the League of Cities and Town conference. City Manager Cameron Thompson has been working on a power rate study. 

Fairview City Cleanup Discussion. Clean up will be May 7th. Dumpsters will be place approximately 15 North 100 East.

Open and Public Meeting Review. The Council watched a video put together by the State Auditor’s office on the open and public meeting act. 


Ordinance No. 2022-02: An Ordinance Amending and Restating Title 9-100 Establishing Licensing, Control and Regulation of Businesses with the Corporate Limits of Fairview City. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve Ordinance No. 2022-02; An ordinance amending and restating Title 9-100 Establishing Licensing, Control and Regulation of Businesses with the Corporate Limits of Fairview City. Councilman Jim Cheney seconded the motion. Voting in favor were–  Matt Sorensen, Casey Anderson, Jim Cheney, Shirlene Rasmussen, and Mike MacKay.


Mayor Brad Welch – General City Business. City cleanup will be Saturday, May 7th. It will end at 5 p.m. 

Councilman Casey Anderson. UAMPS will donate to the 24th of July celebration.

Councilman Jim Cheney. A couple of businesses are interested in economic development. They will contact other businesses in town and work on putting together a group. It would entail a couple of meetings a year. This group would help lure business(s) into town. Next month hoping to have a list of who will be participating. 

The bridge going to Wayne Shepherds home is in the city limits. The bridge is eroding away. It is a private lane, but the bridge is Fairview’s responsibility. The Council was asked to look at it. There are a couple other bridges in town that need to have work done on them.  It would be best to have the bridges worked on at the same time.  

Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen asked if they Council had come up with a place to put the shed that was discussed last month. Councilman Mike MacKay stated behind the fire station would be a good place. Other members of the Council agreed. Rental on the storage shed went up $10. 

The float is in good condition. The only things that may need to be changed would be the names. 

The easter egg hunt is on the 16th of April and starts at 10:00 a.m. at the museum.


Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the vouchers from February 17, 2022, to March 21, 2022.Councilman Mike MacKay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.  

ADJOURNMENT: Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen moved to adjourn meeting at 9:15 p.m

Fairview City