City Council Meeting Minutes, Aug 18, 2022
Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Thursday, August 18, 2022, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, state of Utah. Mayor Brad Welch called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council members present were Matt Sorensen, Casey Anderson, Shirlene Rasmussen, Jim Cheney, and Mike MacKay. City employees present Steve Gray, Greg Sorensen, Brandon Scott, Justin Jackson, Cameron Thompson, and Jan Anderson. Citizens present were Erma Lee Hansen, Jared Livingston, Payton Cox, Kiera Edmunds, Rich and Melanie Gillins, Bert and Mary Cox, Valerie Welch, Lexi Welch, Gerald and Diane Peahl, Scott Griffin, Heidi Sorensen, McKenna Christiansen, and Linda Christiansen.
The invocation and pledge of allegiance was offered by Councilman Mike MacKay.
Councilman Mike MacKay moved to approve the minutes from July 14, 2022. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Mayor asked for some time to give recognition to Sanpete kindness, Linda Christiansen, Heidi Sorensen, and McKenna Christiansen. During the celebration, a special derby heat was put together to raise funds for Sanpete Kindness (suicide awareness program). Mayor Welch presented a check for $1,000 to Linda. The derby heat was a great success.
Police Chief Steve Gray took a moment to recognize Payton Cox with a plaque as a “honoree” officer for Fairview City. He was given the call number of 8Q95, Lightening McQueen’s car number. Payton is an avid fan of Chief Gray.
Mike Godfrey – Non-Conforming Request on Property Located at 46 North 100 West. Mr. Godfrey was unable to attend the meeting. He attended Planning Commission meeting. He has a single-wide dwelling on the property, he is wanting to get rid of the trailer and build a home. The Planning Commission discussed building the home in the rear of the property, but he would need to get a variance from the City Council. The property is .46 acres. The frontage is 70 feet. The City requires 90 feet. This is a non-conforming lot because he has a reasonable structure on it. The Planning Commission recommended approval with the stipulation that the mobile home be removed before the house is occupied. Councilman Jim Cheney moved to approve the variance for the non-conforming lot with the stipulation that the mobile home be removed before the home is occupied. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Power Department
Power Rate Increase Proposal/Schedule Public Hearing. This item was postponed. Need additional information.
UAMPS 2021/2022 Operating Margin of $17,953.01 Discussion. The City Council would like to have the margin of $17,953.01 kept with UAMPS and saved to help with additional costs that may come the City’s way with new projects, etc.
Greg Sorensen – Power Update. The City Council received a report on outages that occurred within the last couple of months. They also received a list of trees that are in powerlines. It was asked if they wanted the City employees to take care of them or have it hire it out. Suggested to have it hired out. Will find the money in the budget. City employee Kacey Young has started school. He is progressing well. The Fairview Heights project is at a place where the excavation and putting the conduit in the ground can be put out for bid. There is a property owner on canyon road just outside the city limits who would like to have power pole moved. It is a major expense. It will be his cost to pay. The reclosure at the substation is acting up. A call was made to have someone come and help with this issue. It is the hope to have the second feeder tied in by winter.
Pioneer Day Celebration Grant and Cemetery Grant Update. The Utah Department of Cultural &
Community Engagement awarded the City $25,000 to assist with the 24th of July activities. It go towards the cost of the lights and sounds, announcers, rodeo, and concessions. A cemetery grant for $2,200 was received. Jones and DeMile Engineering will work with the City in putting together a mapping program, etc. for the cemetery. Their quote is $3,300. A private donor will pay the additional cost for the new program. The hope is to have the program up and ready to go in September.
City Dump/Plow Truck Purchase Discussion. The City has been looking into replacing both snowplows. One has a seized axle and the other has a cracked frame. They are not repairable. It was asked if the Council would give City Manager Cameron Thompson permission to put money down on a truck if one is found. In the budget, $72,000 was allocated for a truck. No contact or communication has been had on the one-ton truck that was ordered a year ago. The sludge truck is also needing to be replaced. A total suggested cost to replace the sludge, 1-ton, 5-10 ton plow/salter, and 10-wheeler plow trucks is around $182,000. Councilman Jim Cheney moved to authorize City Manager Thompson and department heads to spend the $72,000 for a snowplow. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Discussion on Motorized Area at Sports Park and Set Public Hearing. Contact was made with the
Utah Local Government’s Trust. They stated that as long as the city has a design proposal, and it is safe and clean. They see no problem with having a motorized area. Would like to get community feedback. Set a public hearing for next meeting.
Discussion of Parade Chair Setup. The Council was asked if they would like to have put in place
an ordinance regulating when chairs can be set up for the 24th parade. Discussion was had and questions of enforcement, time frame, and how to get the word. The Council decided they did not want an ordinance, but that a friendly reminder be put in the Focus and on social media asking the public to be considerate and respectful regarding setting out chairs.
Schedule Date for Pioneer Day Volunteer Barbeque. It was decided on Monday, August 29th, at 6 p.m. prep at 5 p.m. at the City park.
City Manager Update. The annexation maps should be done in a week or so. The Keller Arena has some structural issues that need to be reviewed and addressed. The sports park could use more grass or a grass alternative. The park needs some finishing touches done. Seeking cost for paving the parking lot. The ballfield restoration is progressing. Working on the Capitol Improvement Plan. Reviewing State guideline for “Facebook” and other social media.
Resolution No. 2022-07R; A Resolution Authorizing the Red Mesa Tapaha Solar Project Amended and Restated Transaction Schedule Under the Power Supply Agreement with Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems; and Related Matters. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to adopt Resolution No. 2022-7R. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Mayor Brad Welch – General City Business Update. Thank you for the celebration. It was a success. Have financial letter.
Councilman Casey Anderson. Would like the police officers to remind parents to be cautious when taking their children to and from school.
Councilman Jim Cheney. Peckham Asphalt and Paving came and looked at roads. They will prepare a quote to see what the cost would be. The plan is to fix the sides of roads, need to figure out what money the City has to work with. The quote will go by sq. foot. Need to have ordinance in place for when a contractor cuts into the road.
Councilwomen Shirlene Rasmussen. Allen Nelson was recognized by the Museum board for his service as curator. Allen stepped down and Terry and Celeste Curtis will take over.
Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the vouchers from August 17, 2022, to September 13, 2022. Councilman Mike MacKay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. by Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen.