City Council Meeting Minutes, Dec 15, 2022

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Pro tempore Matt Sorensen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Councilmembers Shirlene Rasmussen, Jim Cheney, Mike MacKay, Matt Sorensen, and Casey Anderson. Mayor Brad Welch was not present due to other obligations. City employees Cameron Thompson and Jan Anderson present along with citizens Jan Thompson, Jill Anderson, Keith Kasperson, and Rachel Kasperson.
The invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was offered by City Recorder Jan Anderson.

Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the minutes from November 17, 2022, with one correction to be made on page three, adding the name of Mason Baker as the new CEO of UAMPS. Council Mike MacKay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

City Manager Update. Been reviewing the dance hall revenues and expenditures with what we are paying out with utilities, maintenance will continue to increase. Looking at increasing the rental price. Would recommend going with resident vs. nonresident. Some people have inquired about an hourly rate. For now this is just information, will put together some options. Hoping to have this ready by next month.
There is some sort of grant for a solar panel. Can investigate this if the Council is interested. It is for around $30,000 not sure the match. The Council would like him to proceed in writing the grant to include support and not on the buildings. In the last two months, approximately $1.7 million of grants have been applied for. The focus has been infrastructure and planning to include zoning ordinance update. The grants are state or federally funded. The next phase of the sewer re-use project, including sprinklers for the cemetery, has been awarded for $1,168,000.
The ice rink was flood out yesterday, today there is an inch of ice, the way things are going an inch a day should be expected.
Sewer re-use bids came back looking pretty good. If the City Council would like the ARPA money can be used to help pay off the $1.68 million reuse project. Another option would be to use the money to put in the sprinkler system at the cemetery and move the water to the ball fields.
Working on getting the recorder job description put together.
To crack seal 3.5 miles, the cost would be $23,00; the City needs to do 4.5 miles. A check was cut for the one ton the City purchased, used ARPA funds leaving around $80,000.
Richard Chamberlain is retiring; he will still help with the bond closing.
Need to get your ideas and thoughts for the next year’s budget.

Mayor Pro Tempore Matt Sorensen reviewed the new year meeting dates with the Council. There was a conflict with the date in July. They moved the meeting to Thursday, July 14th. They also moved the meeting in December to the 19th.
Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen stated that the donated trees and wreaths all sold and were delivered. This has become an annual event for the Museum.
Councilman Jim Cheney stated there has been some inquiries regarding parking around town, one being the new drink shack, and the other on 300 North east of the bank for Big Pine employees. Jared Livingston reached out to City, he picked up some property south of where they are parking and plans on using it for parking. Need to remind citizens that need to park at least four feet off pavement.

Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the vouchers from November 17, 2022, to December 14, 2022. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen moved to adjourn meeting at 7:01 p.m.

Fairview City