City Council Meeting Minutes and Public Hearing, May 18, 2021
Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Cliff Wheeler called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Councilmembers present were Casey Anderson, Matt Sorensen, Brad Welch, Mike Mackay, and Shirlene Rasmussen. Employees present were Justin Jackson, Greg Sorensen, Steve Gray, and Jan Anderson. Citizens present were Linda and Ralph Bench, Erma Lee Hansen, Jason Mardell, Gilbert Dewolf, Davis Glad, Shauna Rawlinson, Holly Sweeten, Leon Day, Perry and Christy Johnson, JoAnn Marx, Aubrie Raymundo, J. David Howard, Rhett from the messenger, Andrea Keisel, Lynn Hunter, Jr.
The invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was offered by Councilman Mike Mackay.
Minutes from the work meeting held on April 6, 2021, was moved for approval by Councilman Casey Anderson with the second by Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Citizens Input Regarding Raising Sewer Rate(s) up an additional $5.50. The Purpose for the Rate Increase is to Qualify for a Grant/Loan with Permanent Community Impact Fund Board (CIB) to Meet Phosphorus Requirements Imposed by the State. Open meeting convened at 7:32 p.m. Mayor Cliff Wheeler explained the purpose of the public hearing– in order to qualify for any grant money with CIB, the City needs to meet the projected magi numbers which would be the $5.50 a month sewer rate increase. Mayor Wheeler asked employee Justin Jackson to take a minute and brief the public on the purpose of the reuse project. CIB liked the proposed sewer increase of $5.50. They are willing to give the City grant money (free money) and loan for the reuse project. With this proposal, the City will create a Senior Assistance Program (SAP) program which allows citizen who qualify to keep their monthly rate at $49.50 and not be included in the annual one percent increase that will continue for the next five years if the City Council deems appropriate. They must be 65-years old or older and a tax gross income of $25,000 annually or less to be eligible.
The Mayor then asked for any comment from the public.
Christie Johnson stated that… “so this sewer system is going to keep costing us. At first it was paid for then it would go down but this is still going up. This is always going to be an issue”.
Answer … Employee Justin Jackson “just to clarify the bonds will not be paid off until 2045, a portion, a larger portion is the piping and the re-roading not just the sewer put the collection until, yes, 2045. There will be additional depending requirements made upon us. Councilman Brad Welch “if the yearly increase met the deprecation, then the increase would not be added. Need to build up the deprecation, not to look for grant to replace. Maintain and replace the system. Rates have to show the meeting of bonds.” Councilman Casey Anderson “When more connections are added then it will be spread with more people. Connects help, new connects build costs”.
Perry Johnson “Why don’t they pipe it to Mt. Pleasant, it would be less cost. It has been a bad thing since the beginning”. Answer… Employee Justin Jackson “are you proposing seven miles of pipe is less than 1,300 feet”. Perry “It was never put in right”.
Mayor Wheeler, “We are let with what we have now, need to take care of what we have. This plan was proposed in the original sewer project but chose not to put it into place. It would have been much cheaper, now we are forced by EPA but would not get the benefit from the water. This plan is the best of a bad situation.”
No more comments were made.
Close Public Hearing and Reconvene into Regular Council Meeting 7:52 p.m.
Holly Sweeten, Office of Burgess Owens, Identify Needs of Fairview City Regarding Federal Issues. Ms. Sweeten is the Director of outreach for Burgess Owens. She offered their service for whatever is needed on a federal level. She briefed some on the CARES Community Project funding. There are other assistance programs available for infrastructure improvements, etc. She encouraged the City to reach out to their office for help in seeking funds that are available for cities.
Josh Jackson, Approval to Use Tennis Courts for Lessons and Tournaments. He was not present at meeting.
Leon Day, Update Prior Request from Three Water Hookups to Seven Water Hookups. Leon Day gave short history. Put a ¾ inch pipe out to the farm. In the 70s sold farm to Ron Bangerter, he changed out the pipe out to the road. Leon built and then put in a six-inch pipe in 2000 put in a water project put in an eight-inch pipe then he extended the water out to a pump house so city owns water out to pump house. He paid for it wanting to do some development out the road. Three or four years ago, he came to the city and got approved for a three-lot subdivision. He built the pump station extended 3,500 feet west of that. He is wanting to finish the subdivision, wanting to do four lots. Sanpete County needs a letter stating the City will allow. He wants to do seven lots, but then he falls under the drinking water compliance. He asked the Council to approve up to seven lots. These would be residential connections past his pump house. Pump house was built up to specs-imposed years back. Councilman Mike Mackay did some research given the background. Back in May 2010, the Council approved a single water meter that would be installed then all seven homes would go through the one meter, Leon’s responsibility. Leon stated that was a separate deal. In 2015, the City gave Leon four hookups for culinary water to proposed subdivision. The letter would need to state the water is sufficient to provide fire protection. State of Utah DEQ in 2015 water feasibility for three lots, the connection is 35 gallons per minutes. The question is will 35 gallons a minute carry seven lots. He would have to put in water tank. It now has a two-inch meter. It was asked if he was looking for seven meters or just one meter where he pays the City. City employee Justin Jackson had no objection to raising it to seven. Councilman Brad Welch moved to raise the water hookups to seven. Councilman Mike Mackay seconded the motion. The voting went as follows: for– Brad, Mike, and Shirlene; opposed– Casey and Matt.
Planning Commission
Business Approval for Andrea Keisel, Timeless Beauty & Barber, 114 West 400 North. Mrs. Keisel met with the Planning Commission. They recommend approval. She plans on reopening the barber shop as a beauty and barber shop. There is plenty of parking. She plans on a maximum of two clients at a time. There will be one sign approximately 5’ x 3’ on existing posts. The owner is upgrading the building. Her timeframe is August/September. At that time, she will provide the necessary documents of certification. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the business license for Andrea Keisel, “Timeless Beauty & Barber”. Councilman Brad Welch seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Sport Park Discussion. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen gave update to the Council. She proposed $8,875 for her budget for next year. She would like to get wood chips for the two playgrounds, four picnic tables, basketball net replacements, two benches for the pickle ball court, and then a fence to go around the pickle ball court. The assignment to go through the rodeo grounds and see what repairs are needed to host the 24th of July events.
Continue Sign Discussion 300 South. Councilman Brad Welch talked with the engineers, and they agreed with the previous study. On 400 East, the Council discussed putting the sign back up based on the findings in the code. On 300 East, this sign would need justification, if the Council feels it is reasonable then the sign could be put back up. After further discussion, the Council agreed to put the sign back up on 400 East. There was no discussion from the public.
Emergency Preparedness Discussion. Chief Steve Gray stated that all cities through the State are required to have plan in place. A while ago, this plan was started. Bev Waldon used to be the emergency for Orem city. She had all the documents for the plan. The plan is 85 pages. Bev is the liaison working with Chief Gray and Councilman Brad Welch. Part of this plan is guidelines for what the City should do if an emergency was to happen. Local churches also have their own preparedness plans. Chief Gray will email out the plan to the Council.
24th of July Ticket Sale Discussion. Councilman Brad Welch reviewed the dates of all the events. Mayor Wheeler was approached by the Mayor of Spring City asking if the City could move the parade back to 11:30 a.m. Brad will look into this– not sure if this will change. Everything seems to be on scheduled. The main concern currently is the paper ticket sales for the other events. The derby except sections F and G will be reserved seating and tickets can be purchased on-line through e-tix. Brad applied for a $7,000 grant through Thrive 125 which is the celebration of statehood. This will help with the fireworks.
Continue Discussion on Need of City Manager. Mayor Cliff Wheeler and the Council thinks it good idea to hire an administrator/manager. Discussion ensued on the title administrator vs. manager. It was decided to put notice out for city manager.
Approve Tentative Budget Ending June 30, 2022. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the Tentative Budget Ending June 30, 2022. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of. Work meeting for review budget was scheduled for Wednesday, June 9, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.
Set Public hearing Date for Final Budget Approval for Budget Year Ending June 30, 2021. The date will be the regular city council meeting which is June 17, 2021.
Approval to Donate to Friends of Sanpete Children’s Justice Center. Councilman Brad Welch moved to support the justice center with a donation of $200. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Memorial Day Flag Ceremony. Monday May 31, 2021, at 10 a.m.
Resolution No. 2021-06R; A Resolution of The Fairview City Council Revising Monthly Service Charge for Sewer Service to $55.00 to Include an Annual Inflation Increase for Five Years and the Creation of a Senior Assistance Program (SAP). Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-06R. Councilman Mike Mackay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Mayor Cliff Wheeler – General City Business Update. The flowers were planted and will be picked up the first week in June. City clean up went well. Thanks to all who helped there. There is a charge to dump tires at the landfill– tires put in the dumpsters. The City will end up paying for them. If disposing refrigerators, the freon will have to be taken out. Councilman Brad Welch mentioned that the fire contract was signed with the County. The City will continue to help with their in-kind work by cleaning out the creek bed. Also, there is grant money available for the cemetery through Utah Department of Heritage and Arts.
Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the vouchers from April 14, 2021 to May 13, 2021. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.
Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen moved to adjourn meeting at 9:05 p.m. Councilman Brad Welch seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.