City Council Minutes April 23, 2020

Minutes of the Fairview City Council Meeting and public hearing held Thursday, April 23, 2020, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah.

Mayor David Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. City Council members present were Brad Welch, Casey Anderson, Cliff Wheeler, Mike MacKay, and Matt Sorensen. City employees present were Justin Jackson, Jan Anderson, and Jeremey Wright through bridge call. Jason Mardell and one other citizen were present through the bridge call. Due to COVID-19 meetings are discouraged in larger groups than ten so public access was through accessible through a bridge call.

The invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was given by Councilman Cliff Wheeler.


Councilman Cliff Wheeler moved to approve the minutes from March 10, 2020. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the minutes from March 24, 2020. Councilman Casey Anderson seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of


Opening Meeting to Receive Input with Respect to the Issuance of the Bonds and any Potential Economic Impact to the Private Sector from the Construction of the Project to be Funded by the Bonds. Mayor Dave Taylor opened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. and explained the reason for the hearing. The upper tollgate spring(s) need repair. The spring boxes are plugged, the City has not received water from them since the fall. The Division of Drinking Water offered the City emergency funds to repair the springs. It is a loan for $240,000 for 30 years at two percent. The project was put out for bid and three bids were received. The bid was awarded to Barton Excavation out of Ephraim at $198,651. Once this project is complete, the City should have enough water to meet the culinary needs. Fixing the springs, will take the pressure off the pumps at the wells. Water rates will need to be increased in order to meet the funding requirements. The idea of being billed for what you use is being considered. More investigation will need to be done on that. A few comments received by mail regarding the rate increase were 1) hard on those with fixed income and 2) what about discounts or credits. The Mayor asked for public questions. There were no questions.

Close Public Hearing and Reconvene Back into Regular Session. The public hearing was closed at 7:47 p.m. and reconvened into regular session by Councilman Brad Welch with the second by Councilman Mike MacKay. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Planning Commission

Home-Occupation Approval for Anthony Carlton, Desert Guardian LLC, 138 West 300 North. Anthony met with the Planning Commission. He has met all requirements. The Planning Commission recommends approval. He plans are to sell hunting gear, gunsmithing, firearm sales, part, and optics. Minimal clients, mostly a hobby. Business will be done mostly by phone. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the home-occupational permit. Councilman Brad Welch seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Tollgate Spring Redevelopment Update. The weather forecast is for warm weather. The high water is a concern. It was found that during the winter, further deterioration has occurred. One of the five overhead crossings have produced a large hole, the water is spraying back into the river. First need to get water back into the pipe and then the City can help fix some of the other small band aids until the main spring line project is underway.

Sewer Reuse Water Project Update. It was once determined that lift station would not work for the project that it was too low. The original plan was to use it. It would cost the City $100,000 less if pumps were installed at the plant and bypass the lift station. This project also would include new band screens. Mayor Taylor has reviewed the projected cost of the project. There are three- or four- line items he thinks could be taken out. The projected cost to date is close to $3 million. Roughly $800,000 could be saved. To save on cost, the line will bypass town and go directly up to the cemetery. The line will cross the Sanpitch west of the plant and it will need to be decided whether to bring the line lower by the river or bring it up the hill west of the plant. There are a couple of property owners the City will need to meet with. The tank will be steel instead of cement. It will go south and west of the previous plan. It is not a big tank it is 15 feet tall and 300 feet in diameter. The visibility is minimal. The new location will allow for expansion both south and west of the cemetery. The water will service both cemeteries.  Another lift station will need to be built. The negative is the sports park will not be included in the plan. CIB meets in May; the project package will need to be ready for presentation.

Coronavirus Update and Discussion. Fairview’s major concern with the virus is the two convenient stores. They are a revolving door for visitors to stop at before going on the mountain. Mayor Taylor asked Councilman Welch if he would be able to get more clarification from the Lt. Governor with moving forward with the 24th of July celebration. For the most part, Fairview City and residents are doing their part in protecting themselves in dodging the virus. There have been four confirmed cases thus far in Sanpete County. The City has reached out to businesses to see how they are doing. They are hanging in there. If someone needs help with their utility bill the City will work with them on a “deferred” payment plan if the Council will support this. No details yet. The City has not had anyone come in asking for help. There are still funds available through 6-County and the heat program. Hoping that by May 1st, the Governor will allow restaurants to open their doors.

24th of July Update. Councilman Welch has met with the committee chairs. They are moving forward in the planning but will not expend expenditures until they receive direction from the Mayor or Councilman Welch. Mass events are a main concern hoping that by the middle of May there may be more direction given. The rodeo royalty pageant is moving forward, the pageant is scheduled for the middle of May. There is the idea of doing it virtual.

Approval Local Consent for Sale of Off-Premises Beer Retailer License for Fuel Hub & Market, Fairview L.C. The consent form is a formality for the State. Councilman Brad Welch moved to approve the Local Consent for Sale of Off-Premises Beer Retailer License for Fuel Hub & Market L.C. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Budget Discussion. The Council received a copy of the budget for 2020/2021. Anticipating a short fall due to the virus. They would like to have a work meeting on May 5th at 6 p.m.


Resolution No. 2020-08R; A Resolution Authorizing and Approving an Increasing in the Water Rate Schedule for Culinary Water Usage for Customers who are Serviced by the Fairview City Culinary Water System. Councilman Mike MacKay moved to approve Resolution No. 2020-08R. Councilman Casey Anderson asked if this included any tiers. The increase of $13.40 is for the first 6,000 gallons. The tier are as follows: 6,001 to 10,000, 10,001 to 18,000, 18,001 to 30,000 and graduates at 10,000 intervals. Councilman Cliff Wheeler seconded the motion. Those in favor–  Brad Welch, Mike MacKay, Matt Sorensen, Cliff Wheeler, and Casey Anderson.

Ordinance No. 2020-02; An Ordinance Rescinding Ordinance No. 2004-04; An Ordinance Establishing a Policy for Unused and Abandoned Water and Power Hookups Serviced by Fairview City and Providing for an Effective Date. Councilman Brad Welch moved to Approve Ordinance No. 2020-02. Councilman Cliff Wheeler seconded the motion. Those in favor–  Brad Welch, Mike MacKay, Matt Sorensen, Cliff Wheeler, and Casey Anderson.


Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve the vouchers from March 5, 2020 to April 17, 2020. Councilman Mike MacKay. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. by Councilman Brad Welch with the second by Councilman Mike Mackay. Motion carried in favor of.

Fairview City