City Council Meeting Minutes, Jan 20, 2022

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting, January 20, 2022

Minutes of Fairview City Council Meeting held on Thursday, January 17, 2022, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Brad Welch called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Council Members present were Shirlene Rasmussen, Mike Mackay, Matt Sorensen, and Casey Anderson was present via telephone. City employees present were Cameron Thompson, Jan Anderson, Justin Jackson, Logan Ludvigson, Steve Gray, and Greg Sorensen. Citizens present were Jason Mardell, Cliff Wheeler, Talon Peterson, Brayden Taylor, Bayne Taylor, Bryten Taylor, Nate Taylor, Banker Taylor. Chad Huff, Heather Taylor, Judy Cheney, Treyce Cheney, Jim Cheney, Kirk Watts, Shauna Watts, Carol Jensen, Keith Jensen, Thor Grasteit, Sean Rawlinson, Shauna Rawlinson, Valerie Welch, Dwayne Ballantyne, and Kristen Grasteit. 

The invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was offered by Thor Grasteit. 


Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to approve the minutes of December 16, 2021. Councilman Mike Mackay seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Recognition Presentation(s). Mayor Brad Welch recognized outgoing Mayor Cliff Wheeler with a clock for his service with Fairview City and recognized part-time officer Chad Nielsen with a plaque on his retirement.

Fill City Council Vacancy. The following were citizens who submitted their name for consideration to fill the open vacancy on the City Council: Thor Grasteit; Sean Rawlinson; Talon Peterson; Jim Cheney; and Kirk Watts. Each was given the opportunity to speak and tell a little about themselves and answer questions presented to them by Mayor Welch. The Council then voted. The voting went Thor Grasteit – 1; Talon Peterson – 1; and Jim Cheney – 2. Jim Cheney was then sworn into office by City Recorder Jan Anderson. Jim then took his seat with the City Council.          


Planning Commission

Jasen Andersen, Frontage Variance Request on Property Located Approximately 70 West 640 North for a Multi-Family Dwelling.  Jasen met with the Planning Commission to review his plans for a duplex. The proposed duplex will have 30-foot side setbacks, 25-foot set back from the front and 100 feet from the back fence line. He is short a foot on the frontage. The frontage is 108.67 feet. The requirement for the frontage for a multi dwelling is 110 feet. The back portion of his property is 115 feet. The lot is .46 acres. Jasen asked the Council if they would grant him a variance with the frontage. It lacks one foot and thirty-three inches. After some discussion, the City Council did not see any issue with granting the variance. Councilman Mike Mackay moved to give Jasen Andersen a variance for his property on 640 North 70 West for a multi-family dwelling (duplex) of one foot and eight inches, and to move forward with getting his building permits. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. Voting in favor of–  Casey Anderson, Matt Sorensen, Jim Cheney, Shirlene Rasmussen, and Mike Mackay.  Motion carried in favor of. 

Planning Commission Chair and Co-Chair Approval. The Planning Commission nominated Jason Mardell for approval to serve as Chair Davis Glad as Co-chair on the Planning Commission. Councilman Jim Cheney moved to accept the Jason Mardell and Planning Commission Chair and Davis Glad as Co-Chair. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Reappointment of city Treasurer Kammy Tucker, City Recorder Jan Anderson, and Police Chief Steve Gray. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to the reappointment of Kammy Tucker City Treasurer, Jan Anderson City Recorder, and Steve Gray Police Chief. Councilman Jim Cheney seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.   

City Council Members’ Assignments. Mayor Brad Welch asked Councilman Matt Sorensen to be Mayor Pro-tempore but was not ready to delegate assignments yet due to the filling of the council seat. 

Water/Sewer Department Update. The plant is running as designed to do. The sewer reuse is going slowly. With the easements, the City is dictated on what CIB funds are to be used for. City Employee Justin Jackson went over the water usage numbers, etc. He is working on getting in place a plan for upgrading the spring line. Just need the funds. 

New Police Dept Position Posting. The job notices for another police officer for the City will be posted. It will remain open until filled.  

City Manager Update. City Manager Cameron Thompson updated the City Council on his findings with refinancing options which were direct purchase or market underwriting. Need to know so resolution can be presented and signed. Councilman Mike Mackay stated that it made sense to do the market underwriting. It has the bigger savings. The Council agreed with the market underwriting. A resolution will be prepared for next meeting. 

Budget wanting to put together a document on what the Council wants budgeted for each line item so that the City is making sure they are achieving their goals.

Kevin Christensen from Six-County reached out to see if Fairview would like to participate in an ATV ride to take place in August. If the Council is good with this then an event permit will need to be acquired from the forest service. The Council had no object with this. Kevin offered Six-County’s assistance in helping Fairview start a light industrial park. 

After some discussion with Kevin, the idea of an artisan market came to light. Cameron contacted the owner of Mehar’s Market, and he is willing to allow the City to use a portion of property to host the market. The market would take place on various summer weekends to take advantage of traffic on the canyon road. More planning will need to go into this. 

The Planning Commission is working on the general plan. Hoping to have another public hearing. 

There are a few grant opportunities. There is a grant available for cemetery mapping. Cameron is working on this. This grant will be award July 1st. There is an UORG recreation grant and a T-Mobile grant for $50,000 that could be used on the ball fields. Helped needed for applying for these grants. 

Kristin Grasteit – Miss Fairview Request of Funds. For the past two years the expense budget has been overspent approximately $600. There has not been an increase in their budget for at least 15 years. The cost to hosting the event has increased over the years. There are nine girls trying out. From each girl $20 has been collected for their dress. After Some discussion and trying to come up with ways to help with the increase with the budget. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to increase the budget to $3,200. Councilman Jim Cheney seconded the motion. The voting went as–  in favor, Matt Sorensen and Jim Cheney; opposed, Mike Mackay, Shirlene Rasmussen, and Casey Anderson. Motion did not carry. The Council would like to see an itemized listing of what the expenditures went to. There were many people in the audience who offered to donate to the pageant. More discussion will follow. Kristen also asked what the Council thought about having the Little Miss Pageant. 


Ordinance No. 2022-01: Amending Ordinance 2002-01; An ordinance Establishing Powers and Duties for the Position of City Administrator to Appointment of City Manager and Duties. Councilman Casey Anderson asked to have change clarified under 2. J. instead of “his” change to “their”. Councilman Casey Anderson moved to approve Ordinance No. 2022-01; Powers and Duties for the Position of City Manager. Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Resolution No. 2022-01; A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Act on Behalf of Fairview City. Suggested to change Mayor Brad Welch to use full name of Bradley Allen Welch. Councilman Matt Sorensen moved to Approve Resolution No. 2022-01 with the name change. Councilman Jim Cheney seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of. 


Mayor Brad Welch – General City Business. Mayor Welch asked to have council reports put back on the agenda. 


A question was asked on the storage cost of the float. Mayor Brad Welch asked if Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen would come back with information on regarding the storage of the float storage. Councilman Mike Mackey moved to approve the vouchers from December 15, 2021, to January 19, 2022. Councilman Matt Sorensen seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.  


Meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m. by motion from Councilman Jim Cheney with the second by Councilwoman Shirlene Rasmussen. Motion carried in favor of.

Fairview City