Minutes from Fairview City Council Work Meeting, May 26, 2022

Minutes of Fairview City Council Work Meeting held on Thursday, May 26, 2022, at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah. Mayor Brad Welch called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. Council Members present were Shirlene Rasmussen, Mike MacKay, Casey Anderson, City Manager Cameron Thompson, and City Recorder Jan Anderson. Councilmembers Jim Cheney and Matt Sorensen were absent. 

The purpose of the work meeting was to discuss and review the tentative budget for fiscal year starting July 1 2022, and ending June 30, 2023.

The projected 2023 general fund revenue and expense is $996,179. The proposed budget highlights are:

Cost of living wase adjustment – 8%

City dump truck/plow – $70,200

Final Year on 2013 Street Improvement Bond

First full year with refinanced 2001 RDA water revenue bond, 2004 C and D sewer revenue bonds

First increase in pole attachment franchise fee since 1981

RAP Tax to be managed as its own fund

Water fund revenue projection is $440,870 with the expense at $416,378, the goal(s) is begin engineering for spring line replacement, additional water storage tank, and to educate the public about cross-connection.

Electrical fund revenue projection is $1,102,364 with the expense at $1,305,067, the goal(s) is upgrade of Fairview Heights, proactive maintenance, and return the power fund to sustainable profitability.

Sewer fund revenue projection is $455,548 with the expense at $521,483, the goal(s) is to automate as many processes as possible at the plant and reduce operating costs.The meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.

Fairview City